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Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Gets New View of Victoria Crater

The oblique view highlights interesting exposures of geological strata in the steep walls of the crater, difficult to see from straight overhead. › Read More

NASA Satellites Unlock Secret to Northern India's Vanishing Water

Groundwater beneath northern India’s farms and cities has been disappearing. Hydrologists, like NASA's Matt Rodell, have been hunting for it. › Read more | › Animation

Visiting the Launch Pad With the Post-Launch Inspection Team

If you've ever wondered what a launch pad looks like right after the space shuttle thunders off into space, there’s a team of engineers to ask. › Read More

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Lunar lander prototype

Lunar Lander Model

This 1963 model depicts an early Apollo lunar lander concept, called a "bug." Engineers designed several possible vehicle shapes for both manned and...

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Block Island, the largest meteorite yet found on Mars

Meteorite Found on Mars Yields Clues About Planet's Past

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How big is the "Block Island" meteorite recently found by the Opportunity rover on Mars?

the size of a golf ball
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the size of a large watermelon
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NASA Leadership

  • Administrator Charles F. Bolden. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

    Administrator Charles F. Bolden, Jr.

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  • Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

    Deputy Administrator Lori Beth Garver

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artist concept

Planet Smash-Up Sends Vaporized Rock, Hot Lava Flying

Discovery rolls to the pad for STS-128

Discovery and Crew Prep for STS-128 Launch

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