
Collage with the logos for the Berkeley Lab, the University of California, Berkeley, and the EETD Distinguished Lecturers Series and the masthead for the EETD Seminars posters.

The Environmental Energy Technologies Division holds a variety of research seminars throughout the year. Most of these take place at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Energy-efficiency related seminars by EETD researchers also take place on the UC Berkeley campus, often in cooperation with campus partners, including the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society, the College of Engineering, the College of Environmental Design, the Energy and Resources Group, and others.


Environmental Energy Technologies Division Seminars

These seminars are held at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

UC Berkeley Energy Efficiency-Related Seminars

For a schedule, and to sign up for email notification of energy-efficiency-related seminars on the UC Berkeley campus.

EETD Distinguished Lecture Series

Lectures by distinguished speakers from around the world in energy-efficiency related fields. Held about three to four times per year.