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Budget Staff

Justice Management Division
Serving Justice - Securing Results

The Justice Management Division is a component of the Department of Justice (DOJ) that provides a wide variety of support and oversight functions for the Attorney General and the Department’s components. The JMD Budget Staff serves as the central budget office for DOJ. Our staff oversees all aspects of planning and preparation of the budget for the entire Department of Justice, which totals over $23 billion.

The JMD Budget Staff has a wide variety of responsibilities, including:

  • Coordinates the preparation of budget and performance materials and information requests through all stages of the Federal budget process.
  • Analyzes component budget requests for funding and makes recommendations to senior policy officials.
  • Prepares materials used to brief DOJ leadership on all aspects of budget and programmatic matters.
  • Oversees and tracks the progress of DOJ programs, including the spending of resources, during the fiscal year.
  • Communicates with the Office of Management and Budget, other federal agencies, and the Congress on DOJ budget matters.

Karin O'Leary, Director

Walter Schultz, Deputy Director, Operations and Funds Control

The Deputy Director for Operations and Funds Control oversees the following groups: Department Administration and Oversight, and Budget Operations.

Mikki Atsatt, Deputy Director, Programs and Performance

The Deputy Director for Programs and Performance oversees the following groups: Legal Activities, Law Enforcement and Corrections, and Planning and Performance.

Administrative Office
Chris Carlisle, Administrative Officer

This group manages all administrative functions for the Budget Staff, including secretarial support, IT support, contract oversight, travel, procurement, and personnel and budget management. In addition, this group assists with the recruitment and hiring of graduate and undergraduate student interns (SCEP and STEP) and Presidential Management Fellows.

Budget Operations
Lan Bui, Assistant Director

The Budget Operations Group handles the technical and financial reporting activities for the Budget Staff. This group maintains all department-wide funding control tables, trains, provides guidance, and responds to the needs of Budget Staff analysts, components' budget offices, OMB and the Congress. The group represents the Department in government-wide budget automation initiatives, such as the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business, and leads the Budget Staff's efforts to implement the Budget Formulation and Execution Manager, which is an automated budget formulation tool.

Department Administration & Oversight
Scott Snell, Assistant Director

The Department Administration and Oversight Group manages the budgets for the Department's leadership and policy offices. In addition, this group oversees the budgets that support the mission of the Justice Management Division and the programs that provide services to all DOJ components, including the Working Capital Fund, the Justice Information Sharing Technology appropriation, and the Integrated Wireless Network Program.

Law Enforcement and Corrections
Jeff Sutton, Assistant Director

The Law Enforcement and Corrections Group oversees the following components: FBI, DEA, ATF, U.S. Marshals Service, OCDETF, the Bureau of Prisons, and the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee. In addition, this group coordinates interagency budget issues such as DOJ resources under the purview of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department's Overseas Capital Security Cost Sharing program, and DOJ's resources for Overseas Contingency Operations, to include DOJ activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Legal Activities
Hurley Johnson, Assistant Director

The Legal Activities Group oversees the various litigation-related DOJ components, including the U.S. Attorneys, the Office of the Solicitor General, the Criminal Division, and all activities under the purview of the Associate Attorney General, such as the Civil Division, the Civil Rights Division, the Environment and Natural Resources Division, the Tax Division, the Antitrust Division, the U.S. Trustees, as well as the programs and state and local grants administered by the Office of Justice Programs, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, and the Office of Violence Against Women. In addition, this group coordinates interagency budget issues relating to health care fraud prosecution, human trafficking, and special prosecutor funding.

Planning and Performance
Jill Meldon, Assistant Director

The Planning and Performance Group ensures the Department is in full compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, by: verifying that program performance for all components is properly aligned with the Department's current Strategic Plan; ensuring performance information within budget submissions justifies funding requests; and reporting timely performance information each year within the Department's Performance and Accountability Report. In addition, this group supports the Department's Performance Improvement Officer (PIO), who is the Assistant Attorney General/Controller.

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