Net Property, Plant, and Equipment

The book value of land and other property, plant, and equipment (PPE). PPE is measured at the original-cost value; that is, the values shown represent the actual cost of assets at the time they were acquired including all costs incurred in making the assets usable (such as transportation and installation). PPE consists of land, mineral rights, buildings, structures, machinery, and equipment (production, office, and transportation equipment). Excluded are inventories, intangible assets, and PPE not used in the production of products. In the U.S. direct investment abroad financial and operating data, the net book value of PPE is provided. This measure records the value of PPE after the deduction (that is, net) of accumulated depreciation and depletion. In the foreign direct investment in the United States financial and operating data, the gross book value of PPE is provided. This measure is the value of PPE before the deduction (that is, gross) of accumulated depreciation and depletion.