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The current HBSS training strategy consists of a combination of various training methodologies including: classroom, computer/web-based training, virtual training, simulation, and the use of subject matter experts via innovative collaborative technologies.

Input for these methodologies will be derived from:

  • Feedback from classroom training
  • VTE
  • Collab sessions
  • Surveys of DoD community
  • SMEs
  • Training stakeholders
  • Best practices
  • Lessons Learned
  • Help desk personnel
  • HBSS knowledge portal
  • Real-world events
  • Exercises
  • Conferences and IA5 training working group meetings

For more information: HBSS TRAINING


The HBSS training materials provided here cover an introduction to HBSS from a Tier level approach. Basic, System Administrator, and Management level HBSS training is currently available. Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the product and to meet training prerequisites before attending classroom training. Future training material will be focused on development of an Advanced HBSS Operation and Director Level CBT course.

Who needs online training?

HBSS Classroom Prerequisite



The online HBSS course consists of 30 hours of recorded classroom lectures, product demonstrations, and interactive labs. The training experience is similar to that received by students attending on-site, face to face HBSS 3.0 classroom session.

Users that currently have access to the CERT Virtual Training Environment (VTE) through the DISA 8570 program also now have access to this new course. Access to the on-line training can be requested on the VTE site.

Once students complete the course requirements and pass the on-line final examination, they will receive a certificate of completion and become "HBSS Certified" as per the same standard as the on-site face to face course. As new supplemental HBSS content is developed, these new implementation specific demonstrations and guidelines will also be made available within the CERT VTE.

View the HBSS 3.0 VTE DEMO

HBSS VTE Browser Test

HBSS VTE Access Request

Virtual Training Currently Under Review

Request access to review material currently under review. After submitting the request, you will be contacted with access instructions.


Micotraining is a training methodology that leverages Subject Matter Experts and collaboration tools to provide informal just-in-time training to the HBSS community.

This concept was derived out of the need to:

  • Develop informational methods to provide status of program to customers.
  • Support customer feedback and questions.
  • Provide categorical information conduits that allow for customer discussion and feedback.
  • Openly solicit training requirements from customers.
  • Develop a way to provide customer ‘self-help’ by sharing organizational information (e.g. documents, guides, etc.).

For more information, visit the DCO Session Training Schedule
       *Previous Recorded DCO Training Sessions also available.


HBSS Classroom training is currently used to train and certify individuals for HBSS deployments within their organizations. Future Classroom courses include HBSS 3.0 V2 and a Advanced HBSS Operations Course.

Classroom Training Pre-Reqs

HBSS 3.0 V1 Curriculum

HBSS 3.0 Classroom Schedule

Classroom Overview

Classroom Training Currently Under Review

Classroom training currently under review


Collaborative Incident Response Training is a follow-up to the foundations course for systems administrators and individuals that need or want to develop a mastery of the HBSS components and the skills required to perform critical functions during various security events. HBSS administrators and managers are organized into teams and then presented with live, real-world information security threats.

Teams will have the opportunity to identify, react, and mitigate these challenges in a fully functional training environment using various HBSS components and DoD approved tools. The team members can be physically located anywhere in the world, yet through VTE, they are logically brought into the same “virtual room” where they can communicate and work collaboratively to detect, identify, mitigate, and report on live security threats. This will raise the bar on the overall mission readiness of the HBSS user community.