Bono Mack Calls for Meaningful Health Care Reform, Not Government Takeover
August 11, 2009  - Calling a government takeover of health care bad medicine for America, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today issued the following statement to urge Congress to do better to address the health care needs of every day Americans and emphasize the importance of meaningful health care reform: “A... More

Bono Mack Meets With Constituents on Health Care Reform
August 5, 2009  - Emphasizing the importance of improving the U.S. health care system, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today met with groups of constituents and medical professionals to discuss concerns with the current health care proposal and seek responsible reforms that will increase access to affordable, qu... More

Bono Mack: Transportation Projects Will Benefit the District
August 4, 2009  - Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today praised the advancement of critical transportation projects in the Coachella Valley that will mitigate traffic congestion, aid in public safety and facilitate economic development in the region. The two interchange projects - along the I-10 corridor at Ramo... More

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