Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana

Resources for Hoosiers

The Hoosier ConnectionIn recent years, information management has become a challenge in nearly every aspect of life ... in the workplace, in leisure time and in the process of life-long learning. Information is flowing at a faster rate and in greater quantities than ever before. Much of that information, especially that associated with government at federal, state and local levels, affects the lives of all Hoosiers every day.

To help manage the abundance of information and available resources, Senator Lugar has compiled a series of pamphlets and handbooks on a variety of topics of significance to Hoosiers.

The Hoosier Connection The Adobe Reader logo is a resource offered by Senator Lugar to provide useful contact information for government and social service agencies in the following areas:

  • Financial and food assistance,
  • Housing,
  • Employment,
  • Healthcare,
  • State information,
  • Transportation, and
  • Veterans affairs. 

Additional handbooks on the following topics will be available online soon. For the moment, please request a handbook by completing the form at the bottom of the page.

  • Immigration and Nationality,
  • Public Works Enhancements,
  • Scholarships,
  • Seniors, and
  • Your Federal Government.

As always, if you need additional assistance please contact one of Senator Lugar’s offices.

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Please check which handbooks you would like to receive.

Immigration and Nationality
Your Federal Government