Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus
  June 2008
Director's Column
Medical Research with Animals: For Researchers and Institutions
Photograph of Norka Ruiz Bravo

The NIH is has launched a new Web site, Medical Research with Animals: For Researchers and Institutions, as part of our work to support NIH-funded scientists using animal models.  (more...)

Managing Financial Conflicts of Interests

To maintain public trust in scientific investigations, it is critical that research be conducted objectively and without bias. To that end, we are now in the process of reviewing recommendations that will enhance the oversight of regulations governing Financial Conflict of Interest.  (more...)

Top Stories
NIH Report Seeks to Add Value to Peer Review Process

The NIH is entering the next phase of the peer review enhancement process. After a year of collaborative effort involving both NIH internal and external communities, a strategic plan was created and will be implemented over the next 18 months.  (more...)

NIH Expects 100% Employee Compliance with Public Access Policy

Information for NIH Employee Authors on NIH Public Access Policy Compliance Now Publicly Posted.  (more...)

OER’s “Protecting Human Research Participants” Tutorial Going Strong
Meeting NIHs Policy on Protection of Human Research Participants

OER’s new “Protecting Human Research Participants” (PHRP) tutorial, launched on March 1, 2008, registers an average of 450 new users every day.  (more...)

NIH Provides Best Practice Guidelines for Accepting Additional Grant Application Materials

The policy for submitting additional grant application materials can raise many questions for applicants. To address applicant questions and concerns, NIH has developed a set of Best Practice Guidelines for accepting additional grant application materials.  (more...)

Public Consultation on Oversight Framework for Biosecurity

On July 15, 2008, the Federal government will sponsor a public meeting to discuss a framework for the oversight of dual use research proposed by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.  (more...)

Older Treatment May Be More Effective in Preserving Sight for Some Patients with Diabetes
Scientists Define 21 New Genes Associated with Crohn’s Disease
NHGRI Funds Next Step in Understanding Biological Roots of Common Diseases
Research Uncovers Little-Known Impacts of Smell and Taste on Health
NIAID Creates HIV Vaccine Discovery Branch to Promote Synergy between Basic HIV Researchers and Vaccine Designers
Study Shows That Small Protein Can Broaden Immune Response in Humans
Newly Approved Ocular Safety Methods Reduce Animal Testing
Study Shows That Small Protein Can Broaden Immune Response in Humans
Blocking a Single Protein Proves Toxic to Myeloma Cells in Laboratory Studies
Scientists Isolate a Toxic Key to Alzheimer's Disease in Human Brains
Hearing Loss Is Common in People with Diabetes
OER Nexus Archives
New Resources
OER Vacancy Announcement: Director for Office of Research Information Systems

NOT-OD-08-082: NIH Policy on Submission of Additional Grant Application Materials
NOT-OD-08-081: NIH Opens xTrain to All Federal Demonstration Partnership Members
NOT-OD-08-080: Delays in Grant Application Submission due to Floods – June 2008
NOT-OD-08-079: Transforming Medicine Through Innovation: 10th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference (July 22-23, 2008)
NOT-OD-08-077: OLAW IACUC Staff Outreach Program
NOT-OD-08-076: OLAW Institutional Official (IO) Outreach Program

OER LogoWhere Grants Policy, Program Coordination, Compliance and Electronic Research Administration Converge

Articles, comments, questions and suggestions may be addressed to the Editor.

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