About Jeff


In November 2004, Jeff Fortenberry was elected to the United States House of Representatives to serve Nebraska's First Congressional District. Jeff has an extensive background in economics and public policy. Prior to serving in Congress, he worked as a publishing industry executive in Lincoln, where he also served on the Lincoln City Council from 1997-2001.

Caucus Membership

Representative Jeff Fortenberry's House Caucus Membership for the 111th Congress

Committee Information

This page contains a list of the committees and subcommittees on which I serve. A great deal of important legislative work takes place in the course of committee service, and committee hearings are a valuable source of public information. I encourage you to click the links to visit each committee's home page, where you will find hearing schedules and a wealth of other information regarding current issues under consideration by Congress.

Welcome to Nebraska's First District

Dear Friends, I am honored to represent you in Congress. It is a distinct privilege to work on your behalf for the good of our communities, our state, and our nation.

Latest News:

August 6,2009:
Lincoln, NE — Congressman Jeff Fortenberry hosted an official field...
July 31,2009:
Washington, D.C. -- The House of Representatives this week approved...
July 28,2009:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Jeff Fortenberry will be hosting a...

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