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ASCA Guest Observer Facility

SIS Background - Blank Fields

These sequences have been checked by eye, and divided into CCD modes. This list contains blank, or near-blank, fields observed between 1996 and the end of mission. (We plan to complete the list back to the launch in due course.)

In the comment field below, "F/B" refers to sequences in which Faint mode was used at High bit rate, Bright mode at Medium bit rate. Others were all taken in Faint mode.

1-CCD Mode

Seq.No Date Elow (keV) Exp (ksec) (l,b) Comments
24005000 1996-02-140.49 22(282, -10)
24004000 1996-03-080.41 25(358, +02)
44009000 1996-03-240.41101(345, +02)F/B
74017000 1996-07-050.41 42(299, +58)
74068000 1996-08-020.41 23(114, -11)
74060000 1996-08-060.41 24(129, -28)Weak Detction
74089000 1996-08-230.41 24(020, +41)0.07 cps
87045000 1999-07-100.49 96(113, -56)Weak source in GIS FOV
57066000 1999-08-170.41 10(319, +00)Galactic BGD
57067000 1999-08-180.41 19(316, +00)Galactic BGD
57055000 1999-09-220.41 17(005, -02)Strong Galactic BGD
57068000 1999-10-140.41 22(031, +01)Strong Galactic BGD
77048000 1999-12-230.41 43(093, -45)F/B
77083000 2000-01-190.41 49(167, -50)

2-CCD Mode

Active chips are indicated in the comment in the form kl/mn, meaning S0Ck and S0Cl, and S1Cm and S1Cn were used.

Seq.No Date Elow (keV) Exp (ksec) (l,b) Comments
43034010 1996-06-020.41 16( 76, +01)F/B, 12/30

4-CCD Mode

Seq.No Date Elow (keV) Exp (ksec) (l,b) Comments
84024010 1996-02-080.49/56 7( 8, +52)F/B, 0.19-0.18
84024020 1996-02-080.49 10( 7, +52)F/B
54016010 1996-04-070.72 37( 0, -08)F/B

This file was last modified on Monday, 30-Jul-2001 22:37:44 EDT
Curator: Michael Arida (SP Sys);
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
If you have any questions concerning ASCA, visit our Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Monday, 30-Jul-2001 22:37:44 EDT

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