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intern_pressThe internship program in Senator Bennett's office offers a great experience for qualified college students. The program provides students an opportunity to observe and participate in the workings of the United States Senate. Senator Bennett's interns are selected based on their scholastic ability, GPA, experience, and skills that may benefit this office. Duties include conducting legislative research, analyzing news coverage, reporting on key hearings and committee meetings, corresponding with constituents, and some administrative activities.

Interns working with legislative staff will be expected to become familiar with the particular issues and committee activity in their assigned legislative issue areas, as well as the legislative process in general. To prepare interns for their legislative duties, upon their arrival in Washington, interns will attend a training session conducted by the Congressional Research Service. Internal office training will also include learning to utilize the Senate's intranet, federal agencies, and other resources in order to complete research and writing assignments. Excellent writing and research skills are a must.

Interns working in the press office will be expected to prepare a daily news analysis and clip distribution for the senator and staff. Other duties may include drafting press releases, assisting in organization of press conferences, and maintaining communications department information. Interns will be expected to become familiar with Utah and national publications and trade publications in areas central to the senator's work.

The Washington office is divided into four departments -- administrative, legislative, communications, and correspondence.

Interns in Washington are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities the Senate offers. As time permits, they may observe both the Senate and House chambers in session, take advantage of the Library of Congress, and study the role of the legislative committees.

How To Apply

To be considered for an internship students should contact the following individuals at their respective universities (school websites links are provided):

University of Utah
Hinckley Institute of Politics

Attn: Courtney McBeth
260 S Central Campus Dr
Room 253 OSH
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9151
Phone: (801) 581-8501
Fax: (801) 581-6277

Utah State University
Institute of Political Economy

Attn: Cindy Nielsen
Old Main 341
Logan, Utah 84322-0725
Phone: (435) 797-1597
Fax: (435) 797-7105

Southern Utah University
Social Sciences Department

Attn: Career Services
Sharwan Smith Center 101A
Cedar City, UT 84720
Phone: (435) 586-5420
Fax: (435) 586-5422

Weber State University
Political Science and Philosophy Department

Attn: Leah Murray
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Phone: (801) 626-6695
Fax: (801) 626-7994

Brigham Young University
Washington Seminar Program

Attn: Dawna Miner
944 Spencer W Kimball Tower (SWKT)
Provo, UT 84602-5364
Phone: (801) 422-6029

Utah Valley University
Career Services and Student Employment

Attn: Marsha Haynes
800 West University Parkway, AD-113
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: (801) 863-6004
Fax: (801) 863-8051

Interested students from schools other than those listed should send a resume and cover letter to:

Senator Robert F. Bennett
Attn: State Director
Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building
125 South State Street, Suite 4225
Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1188