Homeland Security: Department of Justice's Response to Its Congressional Mandate to Assess and Report on Chemical Industry Vulnerabilities

GAO-03-24R October 10, 2002
Full Report (PDF, 11 pages)   Accessible Text


Congress passed the Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act after a number of testimonies expressing concerns about the vulnerability of chemical facilities to criminal and terrorist attacks. According to the Attorney General's interim report, chemical facilities visited generally had safety and emergency response measures that could mitigate the consequences of a terrorist attack. The report further stated that the level of security at chemical facilities is roughly equivalent to standard security practices found in most industries. The interim report also contains nine preliminary findings that cumulatively address the other required reporting elements--the vulnerability of facilities to criminal and terrorist activity, current industry site security practices, and the security of chemicals being transported. These findings address the extent to which 11 facilities conducted facility security assessments, had the capability to respond to armed attacks, conducted emergency response exercises, conducted routine pre-employment background investigations, had secure process control systems, had secure chemical transportation containers, had adequate security measures over transportation of hazardous chemicals, received meaningful threat information, and had effective facility security systems.

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