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 CIO Council
  All Members
Executive Committee
Council Management Staff
  CIO Small Agency Council
 All Members
Council Officers
Small Agencies
  Council Officers
  Executive Chair
  Mr. Jeffrey Zients
 Deputy Director for Management
 Office of Management & Budget
 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue
Room 216
 Washington, DC 20503
 Office Phone: 202-395-1117
  Vivek Kundra
 Federal Chief Information Officer & Administrator for E-Gov & IT
 Office of Management & Budget
 Old Executive Office Building, Room 358
1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC
 Office Phone: 202-395-3018
 Fax: 202-395-4995
  Vice Chair
  David M. Wennergren
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 Department of Defense
 6000 Defense Pentagon
Room 3E243
 Washington, DC 20301-6000
 Office Phone: 703-695-0871
 Fax: 703-614-1873
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  Departments Printer Friendly
 Department of Agriculture
  Mr. Chris Smith
 Chief Information Officer
 1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 414W
 Washington, DC 20250
 Office Phone: 202-720-8833
 Fax: 202-720-1031
  Mr. Charles McClam
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1400 Independence Avenue
432W Whitten Building
 Washington, DC 20416
 Office Phone: 202-720-5865
 Fax: 202-720-3793
 Department of the Air Force
  Mr. Daniel F. McMillin
 Deputy Chief of Warfighting Integration & Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1800 Air Force Pentagon
Room 4E1050
 Washington, DC 20330-1800
 Office Phone: 703-697-1605
 Fax: 703-692-7512
 Department of the Army
  Jeffrey A. Sorenson
 Chief Information Officer
 107 Army Pentagon
Room 1A271
 Washington, DC 20310
 Office Phone: 703-695-4366
 Fax: 703-695-3091
  Mr. Michael Krieger
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 107 Army Pentagon
Room 1A271
 Washington, DC 20310
 Office Phone: 703-695-6604
 Fax: 703-695-3091
 Department of Commerce
  Ms. Suzanne Hilding
 Chief Information Officer
 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5029B
 Washington, DC 20230
 Office Phone: 202-482-4797
 Fax: 202-501-1180
  Position Vacant
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5027
 Washington, DC 20230
 Office Phone: 202-482-1888
 Fax: 202-482-8359
 Department of Defense
  David M. Wennergren
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 6000 Defense Pentagon
Room 3E243
 Washington, DC 20301-6000
 Office Phone: 703-695-0871
 Fax: 703-614-1873
 Department of Education
  Mr. Danny Harris
 Chief Information Officer
 550 12th Street, SW
Room 9112
 Washington, DC 20202
 Office Phone: 202-245-6252
 Fax: 202-245-6621
  Position Vacant
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 550 12th Street, SW
Room 10057
 Washington, DC 20202
 Office Phone: 202-245-6642
 Fax: 202-245-6691
 Department of Energy
  Mr. Tom Pyke
 Chief Information Officer
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 8H085
 Washington, DC 20585
 Office Phone: 202-586-0166
 Fax: 202-586-7966
  Mr. Carl Staton
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
 Washington, DC 20585
 Office Phone: 202-586-0166
 Fax: 202-586-7966
 Department of Health & Human Services
  Mr. Michael W. Carleton
 Chief Information Officer
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Hubert Humphrey Building, Room 537H
 Washington, DC 20201
 Office Phone: 202-690-6162
 Fax: 202-690-8715
  Mr. John Teeter
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Hubert Humphrey Building, Room 537H
 Washington, DC 20201
 Office Phone: 202-690-6162
 Fax: 202-690-8715
 Department of Homeland Security
  Ms. Margie Graves
 Acting Chief Information Officer & Deputy Chief Information Officer
 Department of Homeland Security
301 7th Street
 Washington, DC 20528
 Office Phone: 202-282-8000
 Fax: 202-282-9721
  Mr. Daniel Cotter
 Chief Technology Officer
 Department of Homeland Security
 Washington, DC 20528
 Office Phone: 202-447-3670
 Fax: 202-772-9717
 Department of Housing & Urban Development
  Mr. Jerry E. Williams
 Chief Information Officer
 451 7th Street SW
Room 4160
 Washington, DC 20410
 Office Phone: 202-708-0306
 Fax: 202-708-3577
  Mr. Lynn Allen
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 451 7th Street, SW
Room 4160
 Washington, DC
 Office Phone: 202-402-4862
 Fax: 202-708-3577
  Mr. Mike Milazzo
 Deputy Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Operations
 451 7th Street, SW
Room 4258
 Washington, DC 20410
 Office Phone: 202-402-6098
 Fax: 202-401-3265
 Department of the Interior
  Mr. Sanjeev Bhagowalia
 Chief Information Officer
 1849 C Street, NW
Room 7457
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-6194
 Fax: 202-501-2360
  Position Vacant
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1849 C Street, NW
Mail Stop 5312
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-6194
 Fax: 202-501-2360
 Department of Justice
  Vance Hitch
 Chief Information Officer
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 1310A
 Washington, DC 20530-3101
 Office Phone: 202-514-0507
 Fax: 202-514-1225
 Department of Labor
  Mr. Thomas Wiesner
 Acting Chief Information Officer & Deputy Chief Information Officer
 200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room N1301
 Washington, DC 20210
 Office Phone: 202-693-4567
 Fax: 202-693-4228
 Department of the Navy
  Mr. Robert Carey
 Chief Information Officer
 1000 Navy Pentagon
 Washington, DC 20350
 Office Phone: 703-602-1800
 Fax: 703-601-2162
  Position Vacant
 Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1000 Navy Pentagon
 Washington, DC 20350
 Office Phone: 703-602-2975
 Fax: 703-601-2162
 Department of Transportation
  Nitin Pradhan
 Chief Information Officer
 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Suite W56-310
 Washington, DC 20590
 Office Phone: 202-366-9201
  Ms. Jacquelyn Patillo
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Room W56-312
 Washington, DC 20590
 Office Phone: 202-366-9201
 Fax: 202-366-7373
  Mr. Giovanni Carnaroli
 Associate CIO for IT Policy Oversight
 1200 New Jersey Ave SE
E31-318, East Bldg / 3rd FL rm 31
 Washington, DC 20590
 Office Phone: 202-366-9048
 Fax: 202-366-7870
 Department of the Treasury
  Mr. Michael Duffy
 Chief Information Officer
 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
12th Floor
 Washington, DC 20006
 Office Phone: 202-622-1200
 Fax: 202-622-0143
 Department of State
  Ms. Susan H. Swart
 Chief Information Officer
 2201 C Street, NW
Office of the CIO, Room 6311
 Washington, DC 20520
 Office Phone: 202-647-2889
 Fax: 202-647-2294
  Ms. Janice Fedak
 Deputy CIO, Business, Planning & Customer Service
 2201 C Street, NW
IRM BPC, Room 4428
 Washington, DC 20520
 Office Phone: 202-647-3184
 Fax: 202-736-4003
  Mr. Charles Wisecarver
 Deputy CIO for Operations & CTO
 2201 C Street, NW
IRM-OPS, Room 4428
 Washington, DC 20520
 Office Phone: 202-647-2863
 Fax: 202-736-4003
 Department of Veterans Affairs
  Roger W. Baker
 Assistant Secretary of Information & Technology
 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suite 700
 Washington, DC 20420
 Office Phone: 202-461-6911
 Fax: 202-208-0532
  Stephen Warren
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Room 700
 Washington, DC 20420
 Office Phone: 202-273-8855
 Fax: 202-273-8800
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  Agencies Printer Friendly

 Agency for International Development
  Mr. Jerry Horton
 Chief Information Officer
 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Ronald Reagan Building
 Washington, DC 20523
 Office Phone: 202-712-5460
 Fax: 202-216-3053
  Ms. Gretchen Larrimer
 Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Ronald Reagan Building, Suite B3.06.11
 Washington, DC 20523
 Office Phone: 202-712-5460
 Fax: 202-216-3053

 Environmental Protection Agency
  Linda Travers
 Acting Chief Information Officer & Deputy Chief Information Officer
 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 2810A
 Washington, DC 20460
 Office Phone: 202-564-6665
 Fax: 202-501-1622
  Ms. Myra Galbreath
 Acting Chief Technology Officer
 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 5102 EPA West, MC 2831
 Washington, DC 20460
 Office Phone: 202-566-0300
 Fax: 202-566-0319

 Executive Office of the President
  Mr. Brook Colangelo
 Chief Information Officer
 725 17th Street
 Washington, DC 20006
 Office Phone: 202-395-5680
 Fax: 202-395-7239
  Position Vacant
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 The White House
Office of Administration
 Washington, DC 20500
 Office Phone: 202-395-2314
 Fax: 202-395-7239

 General Services Administration
  Ms. Casey Coleman
 Chief Information Officer
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 3240
 Washington, DC 20405
 Office Phone: 202-501-1000
 Fax: 202-501-0022
  Ms. Teresa Sorrenti
 Chief Technology Officer
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 3024
 Washington, DC 20405
 Office Phone: 202-219-3393
 Fax: 202-219-1249

 National Aeronautics & Space Administration
  Mr. Bobby German
 Acting Chief Information Officer
 NASA Headquarters
300 E Street, SW, Mail Suite: 6M70
 Washington, DC 20546-0001
 Office Phone: 202-358-1824
 Fax: 202-358-3017
  Mr. Gary Cox
 Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer
 NASA Headquarters
300 E Street, SW, Mail Suite: 6M70
 Washington, DC 20546-0001
 Office Phone: 202-358-0413
 Fax: 202-358-3017

 National Science Foundation
  Dr. George O. Strawn
 Chief Information Officer
 4201 Wilson Boulevard
Room 305
 Arlington, VA 22230
 Office Phone: 703-292-8100
 Fax: 703-292-9084
  Ms. Andrea Norris
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 4201 Wilson Boulevard
Room 455
 Arlington, VA 22230
 Office Phone: 703-292-8150
 Fax: 703-292-9146

 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Darren B. Ash
 Chief Information Officer
 Office of the Executive Director for Operations
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop: O-16-E15
 Washington, DC 20555-0001
 Office Phone: 301-415-7443
 Fax: 301-415-2700
  Mr. Thomas Boyce
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 Mail Stop O-6E6M
 Washington, DC 20555
 Office Phone: 301-415-8700
 Fax: 301-415-6530

 Office of Management & Budget
  Vivek Kundra
 Federal Chief Information Officer & Administrator for E-Gov & IT
 Old Executive Office Building, Room 358
1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC
 Office Phone: 202-395-3018
 Fax: 202-395-4995
  Mr. Jeffrey Zients
 Deputy Director for Management
 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue
Room 216
 Washington, DC 20503
 Office Phone: 202-395-1117
  Position Vacant
 OIRA Administrator
 725 17th Street, NW
Room 10201
 Washington, DC 20503
 Office Phone: 202-395-4852
 Fax: 202-395-3108

 Office of Personnel Management
  Ms. Janet Barnes
 Chief Information Officer
 1900 E Street, NW
Room 5415
 Washington, DC 20415
 Office Phone: 202-606-2150
 Fax: 202-418-3251

 Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  Priscilla E. Guthrie
 Chief Information Officer
 Liberty Crossing 2
Priscilla Guthrie, 6B0533
 Washington, DC 20511
 Office Phone: 703-275-2008
 Fax: 703-275-1221
  Ms. Sherrill L. Nicely
 Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer
 Washington, DC 20511
 Office Phone: 703-275-2008
 Fax: 202-997-1974

 Small Business Administration
  Ms. Christine H. Rider
 Chief Information Officer
 409 3rd Street, SW
Suite 4000
 Washington, DC
 Office Phone: 202-205-6708
 Fax: 202-205-7064
  Mr. Robert Naylor
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 409 3rd Street, SW
Suite 4000
 Washington, DC 20416
 Office Phone 1: 202-205-6605
 Office Phone 2: 202-292-3797
  Mr. Paul T. Christy
 Chief Technology Officer
 409 3rd Street, SW
Suite 4000
 Washington, DC 20416
 Office Phone: 202-205-6756
 Fax: 202-205-6074

 Social Security Administration
  Mr. Greg Pace
 Acting Chief Information Officer & Deputy Chief Information Officer
 6401 Security Boulevard
Altmeyer Building, Room 500
 Baltimore, MD 21235
 Office Phone: 410-965-3494
 Fax: 410-966-2805
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  Ex-Officios Printer Friendly
 General Services Administration
  Mr. Stanley F. Kaczmarczyk
 Principal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Governmentwide Policy
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 5240
 Washington, DC 20405
 Office Phone: 202-501-8880
  Fax: 202-501-8898
 National Archives and Records Administration
  Ms. Martha Morphy
 Assistant Archivist for Information Services/CIO
 8601 Adelphi Road
Suite 4400
 College Park, MD 20740
 Office Phone: 301-837-1992
  Fax: 301-837-3213
  Mr. Charles Piercy
 Deputy Chief Information Officer
 8601 Adelphi Road
Suite 4400
 College Park, MD 20740
 Office Phone: 301-837-1583
  Fax: 301-713-7409
 National Institute of Standards and Technology
  Ms. Cita Furlani
 Director, Information Technology Laboratory
 100 Bureau Drive
Mail Stop 8900
 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8900
 Office Phone: 301-975-2900
  Fax: 301-975-2378
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  Liaisons Printer Friendly
 Liaisons from the CIO Council

 Chief Human Capital Officers Council (CHCO)
  Ms. Janet Barnes
 Chief Information Officer
 Office of Personnel Management
 1900 E Street, NW
Room 5415
 Washington, DC 20415
 Office Phone: 202-606-2150
 Fax: 202-418-3251

 Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
  Vivek Kundra
 Federal Chief Information Officer & Administrator for E-Gov & IT
 Office of Management & Budget
 Old Executive Office Building, Room 358
1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC
 Office Phone: 202-395-3018
 Fax: 202-395-4995
 Liaisons to the CIO Council
 American Council for Technology (ACT)
  Ms. Martha Dorris
 American Council for Technology
 3040 Williams Drive
Suite 610
 Fairfax, VA 22031
 Office Phone: 703-208-4800
 Fax: 703-208-4805
 Chief Human Capital Officers Council (CHCO)
  Sydney Smith-Heimbrock
 Deputy Associate Director
 Office of Personnel Management
 1900 E Street, NW
Room 7677
 Washington, DC 20415
 Office Phone: 202-606-2762
 Fax: 202-606-0453
 Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
  Mr. Michael W. Tankersley
 Inspector General
 Export-Import Bank of the US
 811 Vermont Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC 20571
 Office Phone: 202-565-3923
 Fax: 202-565-3988
 Government Information Technology Executive Council (GITEC)
  Mr. Scott Cragg
 DAS Enterprise IT Strategic Policy, Plans and Programs
 Department of Veterans Affairs
 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC 20420
 Office Phone: 202-461-4495
 Fax: 202-565-4899
 National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO)
  Mr. John Gillispie
 State of Iowa
 Designated State Chief Information Officer
Department of Administrative Services, IT Enterprise, Hoover Building, Level B
 Des Moines, IA 50319
 Office Phone: 515-281-5061
 Fax: 515-281-6137
 Small Agency CIO Council
  Mr. Thomas J. Leach
 Chief Technology Officer
 Federal Housing Finance Agency
 4th Floor
1700 G Street, NW
 Washington, DC 20006
 Office Phone: 202-414-6935
 Fax: 202-408-2895
 US Local/State Government
  Mr. David J. Molchany
 Deputy County Executive
 Fairfax County Government
 12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 552
 Fairfax, VA 22035
 Office Phone: 703-324-4775
 Fax: 703-324-3956
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  Council Management Staff Printer Friendly
 General Services Administration
  Ms. Michele Heffner
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 2227
 Washington, DC 20405
 Office Phone: 202-501-0202
 Fax: 202-501-3136
  Mr. John Andre
 Program Manager
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 2227
 Washington, DC 20405
 Office Phone: 202-501-9069
 Fax: 202-501-3136
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