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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

What's Changed

The site has been redesigned to improve navigation and usability. This is the first phase of our redesign; more pages on the site will have the new look and features in the future.

New navigation

  • Main categories at the top of the page
  • New sub-navigation on the left
  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • Persistent navigation (top, left, and breadcrumbs) will be available from every page

New design, graphics, and color

  • New color scheme
  • Pages use the full width of your browser window
  • Font changes improve readability
  • Leaving the Board icon indicates an external link
  • Banners on secondary pages feature architectural details of the Board's buildings
  • Page printing improved

Home page

  • Features section expanded
  • New boxes highlight statistical releases, career opportunities, and financial education

Secondary pages

  • Each main category page highlights features and recent items
  • Links to content within each category relocated to left navigation
Last update: March 31, 2009