USGS - science for a changing world

Landsat Missions

Opening the Landsat Archive/Product Specifications

On April 21, 2008, the USGS announced plans to provide all archived Landsat scenes at no charge to all users. (View the original Technical Announcement - .pdf (66.8 KB).

All scenes are now processed using the parameters shown below. Scenes that have a quality score of 9 and less than 40 percent cloud cover will be automatically processed. Any archived scene, regardless of cloud cover, will be processed upon request and made available for download.

All Landsat 7 ETM+ (1999–present) and most Landsat 4-5 TM* (1982 – present) standard L1T products will be processed by using the LPGS* system with the following parameters applied:

Level 1T (terrain corrected) product**
30/60 meters pixel size (Landsat 7 Pan band = 15)
GeoTIFF output format
Cubic Convolution (CC) resampling method
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) map
projection, with Polar Stereographic projection
used for Antarctica scenes
MAP (north up) image orientation
File transfer protocol (FTP) download only

All Landsat 1–5 MSS (1972–83) and some Landsat 4-5 TM (1982 – 1990) standard L1T products will be processed by using the NLAPS* system with the following parameters applied:

Level 1T (terrain corrected) product**
60 meters pixel size
GeoTIFF output format
Cubic Convolution (CC) resampling method
UTM map projection, with Polar Stereographic
projection used for Antarctica scenes
MAP (north up) image orientation
FTP download only

*Two processing systems generate Landsat data products: the Level 1 Product Generation System (LPGS) and the National Land Archive Production System (NLAPS). There are geometric, radiometric, and data-format differences in the systems that create final products with slight differences. Details about the LPGS and NLAPS can be found at Please note: All Landsat 4 TM scenes were processed through NLAPS prior to April 15, 2009.

**While most data will be processed as Level 1T (precision and terrain corrected), certain scenes do not have ground-control or elevation data necessary for precision or terrain correction, respectively. In these cases, the best level of correction will be applied (Level 1G-systematic or Level 1Gt-systematic terrain). Specific L1T scenes are available for most of the globe under the Global Land Surveys (GLS) of 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2005. These datasets can be found on GloVis or EarthExplorer.

Landsat scenes can be requested and downloaded from Glovis ( or EarthExplorer (

More details on the Standard Terrain Corrected (Level 1T) data currently available can be found at

View USGS Factsheet 2008-3091: - .pdf (85.5 KB)

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Page Last Modified: August 24, 2009