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High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center

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  1. The HEASARC has data from more than 24 missions, mostly in FITS format. Immediate online access to all our data and catalogs is available through our Web Browse service and also via our FTP area.

  2. FV is a useful, multi-platform FITS file Viewer. It works well with SAOImage DS9, a FITS image viewer supported by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

  3. You can view the Browse tips archive to learn useful shortcuts and power search tools.

  4. The HEASARC timeline tool provides pointing information for a number of space observatories.

  5. When can my favorite satellite observatory view my favorite source? Find out using the Viewing Tool.

  6. Wondering if your astronomical software and associated data are up-to-date? Check out Astro-Update!

  7. The HEASARC site search has been upgraded - check it out, and check out the advanced features!

  8. Wonder if your favorite source has been observed, or if new data for it are in the archive? Get Notified!

  9. The Browse KML interface lets you view and request data from popular X-ray and gamma-ray missions in applications like Google Sky.

  10. You can run FTOOLS, CIAO and XMM-SAS analysis tools at the HEASARC with only a single small download. See the remote analysis options for Hera.

  11. For a concise summary of the basic capabilities of current and future X-ray observatories look at the missions comparison chart.

  12. Our Resources for Scientists include presentations describing high-energy astrophysics including basic X-ray astronomy analysis techniques from 9 summer schools held between 2001 and 2008.

  13. Try the position/name, date and energy converters on our Tools area.

  14. You can build a customized software download of the HEASoft analysis package tailored to your computer architecture and the missions you are working with.

  15. You can use the CALDB RSS newsfeed to keep up-to-date with new releases of calibration data.

  16. The HEASARC provides a list of proposal deadlines and future mission launches and upcoming meeting announcements as a service to the science community.

  17. Simple count rate simulations and conversions can be done with WebPIMMS. More complex simulations can be done using WebSpec.

  18. You can easily add tips to the HEASARC tip archive! Submit your tips on the General HEASARC Feedback page.

HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

Last modified: Tuesday, 11-Aug-2009 13:01:04 EDT