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What is ELIPS?
The Electronic Library of Interior PolicieS is a library of the official, Departmentwide policies and procedures for the Department of the Interior.
What is in ELIPS?
The Departmental Manual contains long term policies, mandatory procedures, and descriptions of major organization components. Secretary’s Orders contain temporary or interim policies, procedures, and organization descriptions. ELIPS contains both current and superseded/expired Departmental Manual Chapters and Secretary’s Orders.

Is ELIPS complete? Does it contain all policies and procedures?

No. The file for current (active or still in effect) Secretary’s Orders is complete. Departmental Manual Chapters go into ELIPS as they are revised. For older material (prior to 1996), you should still use your paper copy of the Departmental Manual. We plan to have the entire Manual updated and in ELIPS within two to three years. We will then sunset the old paper Manual.

To assist is the transition from paper to ELIPS, we will continue to distribute paper copies of Secretary’s Orders and the Departmental Manual through December 1996.

How do I find a policy if it isn’t in ELIPS and I don’t have a paper copy of the Manual?

Contact your office’s directives manager. Click here for a list of the directives contacts for each Interior bureau.

Does ELIPS contain policies for individual bureaus?

Interior bureaus are encouraged but not required to put their own policies and procedures into ELIPS. The Bureau of Indian Affairs will putting the BIA Manual on ELIPS and there is a link from the ELIPS home page to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service directives system. Other links will be added as bureaus either enter ELIPS or create their own libraries accessible through the World Wide Web.

Does ELIPS contain policies issued by individual offices in the Office of the Secretary?

Not yet. In the future, ELIPS will contain the temporary/interim policies issued by individual offices as numbered letters and memoranda.

How do I find a document in ELIPS?

There are five ways to reach a specific ELIPS document.
1. Table of Contents: There are four separate Tables of Contents.
a. ACTIVE MANUAL CHAPTERS lists current Departmental Manual Chapters, is organized by Series, Part, and Chapter number, and contains the signature date. Click on the Chapter title to go to a document.

b. ACTIVE SECRETARY’S ORDERS lists current Secretary’s Orders by Order number, with the highest numbers first and contains the signature date and subject. (Except for amendments to existing orders, the most recent Orders will have the highest numbers). Click on the Order number to go to a document.

c. ARCHIVE MANUAL CHAPTERS lists superseded or revised Departmental Manual chapters and is organized like the Active Chapters list.

d. ARCHIVE SECRETARY’S ORDERS lists superseded, amended, or expired Secretary’s Orders and is organized like the Active Orders list.

2. Chronological Lists: There are three chronological lists: one for all ELIPS documents, one for the Departmental Manual only and one for Secretary’s Orders only. All three lists are organized with the most recent items first. Click on the chapter or Order number to go to the document. Click on "description" to see the nature of the change made.

3. Word and/or Phrase Search: ELIPS currently uses Harvest for searches. Click here for information on how to use Harvest.

4. Go to a Specific Order or Active Chapter: If you know the Chapter number or Order number for the document you need, you can enter that number and go directly to that document.

5. Hypertext links: Any ELIPS document which references another document in the ELIPS database has a link to that referenced document. For example, 212DM2 mentions 112DM2, so there is a link to go to 112DM2. If a previous version of a policy is in ELIPS, there will be a link to that previous document at the bottom of the current document. For example, 205DM15, signed on 2/23/95, replaces a previous version of that chapter signed on 6/24/94. At the bottom of the 1995 version, there is a link (the four digit release number) to the 1994 version.

How can I find a description of a policy change, without comparing the new policy document against the new old one?

The Chronological Lists contain links to descriptions for each document. These descriptions are of the changes made by the document, rather than of the entire document. For example, 205DM15, General Delegations for Travel and Transportation, signed on 2/23/95, excepts Canada from the requirement to get Office of the Secretary approval for foreign travel. The description states that change; it does not describe the entire DM chapter on travel delegations. Similarly, the description for an amendment to a Secretary’s Order describes the change made by the amendment, not entire policy or procedure contained in the Order, as amended.

The only exception to this pattern is for Secretary’s Orders which expire or are superseded by DM Chapters. The Chronological List of Changes made to Secretary’s Orders will show that the Order has expired or been superseded. The description for that action will be of the original Order which expired or has been superseded.

Some Secretary’s Orders have "A" in the Order number. What does that mean?

It means that it is an amended Order. For example, the Order number for Secretary’s Order 3187, Amendment 1 is 3187A1. The document will show the entire Order, as amended, with the amended material in bold italics. To see a copy of the original Order, go to the bottom of the amendment and click on the link to the original Order.

Can I get an ELIPS document in Word Perfect format?

At the bottom of each ELIPS document, there is a link to download that document in WP5.1 format.

NOTICE: The Electronic Library of Interior Policies (ELIPS) is growing repository. All active Secretary's Orders are listed in ELIPS. As chapters of the Departmental Manual are updated, they are posted here. With a few exceptions, all chapters approved since July 1996 are in ELIPS. Many, but not all, chapters updated in 1994 and 1995 are also in the system, as are a few selected earlier chapters. If the document you need is not in ELIPS, please consult your organization's paper copy or contact your organization's directives officer.
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Last Modification to This Page: 08 June 2009