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Office of the Solicitor

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1993-present M-Opinion IndexPDF Format  
01/18/2009 M-37023 PDF Format

Applicability of 25 U.S.C. § 2719 to Restricted Fee Lands

01/16/2009 M-37022PDF Format

Protest and Administrative Appeal of Biological Assessments – Livestock Grazing

01/16/2009 M-37021PDF Format

The Meaning of “Foreseeable Future” in Section 3(20) of the Endangered Species Act

01/16/2009 M-37020PDF Format

The Bureau of Land Management’s Authority To Issue Prospecting Permits for Energy Minerals on Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act Lands

01/15/2009 M-37019PDF Format

Revival of Offshore Oil and Gas Leases

12/12/2008 M-37018 PDF Format

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Authority under Section 4(c)(l) of the Endangered Species Act to Revise Lists of Endangered and Threatened Species to " Reflect Recent Determinations "

10/03/2008 M-37017PDF Format

Guidance on the Applicability of the Endangered Species Act's Consultation Requirements to Proposed Actions Involving the Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

10/03/2008 M-37016PDF Format

The Secretary's Authority to Exclude Areas from a Critical Habitat Designation under Section 4(b)(2) of the Endangered Species Act

05/23/2008 M-37015PDF Format

Legal Implications Affecting the Importation of Sport-hunted Polar Bears from Canada Resulting from the Listing of the Polar Bear as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act

12/17/2007 M-37014PDF Format

Funding to States and Indian Tribes Under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, as Amended by the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006

02/23/2007 M-37013PDF Format

The Meaning of "In Danger of Extinction Throughout Allor a Significant Portion of its Range"

11/14/2005 M-37012PDF Format

Legal Requirements for Determining Mining Claim Validity before Approving a Mining Plan of Operation

11/14/2005 M-37011PDF Format

Rescission of 2001 Ancillary Use Opinion

10/07/2003 M-37010PDF Format

Mill Site Location and Patenting under the 1872 Mining Law

05/13/2003 M-37008PDF Format

Authority for the Bureau of Land Management to Consider Requests for Retiring Grazing Permits and Leases on Public Lands

10/23/2001 M-37007PDF Format

Surface Management Provisions for Hardrock Mining

01/18/2001 M-37006PDF Format

Great Sand Dunes National Park

01/19/2001 M-37005PDF Format

Whether Public Lands Withdrawn by Executive Orders 6910 and 6964 or Established as Grazing Districts are "Reservations within the Meaning of Section 4(e) of the Federal Power Act”

01/18/2001 M-37004PDF Format

Use of Mining Claims for Purposes Ancillary to Mineral Extraction

01/18/2001 M-37003PDF Format

Binding Nature of Solicitor's M-Opinions on the Office of Hearings and Appeals

01/19/2001 M-37002PDF Format

Eastern Boundary of the Sandia Pueblo Grant

01/11/2001 M-37001PDF Format

Proposed New Mexico Standards and Guidelines for Grazing Administration; Evaluation and Recommendations

12/05/2000 M-37000PDF Format

Boundary Dispute Between Santa Ana Pueblo and San Felipe Pueblo: The Secretary’s Authority to Correct Erroneous Surveys, Revisiting Part IV of Solicitor’s Opinion on ‘Pueblo of Sandia Boundary’ 96 I.D. 331 (1998)

12/27/1999 M-36999PDF Format

Regulation of Hardrock Mining

06/09/1999 M-36998PDF Format

Disposal of Mineral Materials from Unpatented Mining Claims

05/22/1998 M-36994PDF Format

Patenting of Mining Claims and Mill Sites in Wilderness Areas

04/16/1998 M-36993PDF Format

Options Regarding Applications for Hardrock Mineral Prospecting Permits on Acquired Lands Near a Unit of the National Park System

11/19/1997 M-36992PDF Format

Section 3406(b)(2) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act

09/19/1997 M-36991PDF Format

Whether lands taken in trust for Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians should be considered “restored” lands under Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA)

11/12/1997 M-36990PDF Format

Entitlement to a Mineral Patent Under the Mining Law of 1872

11/12/1997 M-36989PDF Format

Managing Areas Eligible for Protection Under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act

11/07/1997 M-36988PDF Format

Limitations on Patenting Millsites Under the Mining Law of 1872

12/05/1996 M-36987PDF Format

BLM’s Authority to Recover Costs of Mineral Document Processing

12/05/1996 M-36986PDF Format

Control of Surface Coal Mining Operations Under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

08/16/1996 M-36985PDF Format

Whether the Circle of Nations Wahpeton Indian School Campus Constitutes Indian Country

03/22/1996 M-36984PDF Format

Excess Reserves Under the Mining Law

02/12/1996 M-36983PDF Format

What are Significant Revisions in the Five-Year Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program

03/30/1995 M-36982PDF Format

Entitlement to Water Under the Southern Arizona Water Rights Settlement Act (SAWRSA)

11/29/1994 M-36981PDF Format

Implementation of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 by the Minerals Management Service

05/02/1994 M-36980PDF Format

Secretary’s Authority for Creating the National Biological Survey

10/04/1993 M-36979PDF Format

Fishing Rights of the Yorok and Hoopa Valley Tribes

01/11/1993 M-36975PDF Format

Governmental Jurisdiction of Alaska Native Villages Over Land and Nonmembers