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United States Department of Justice Seal of the United States Department of Justice displayed against a background image of the U.S. flag
What We Do
bullet Combat Terrorism
bullet Apprehend Most-Wanted and Other Fugitives
bullet Locate Missing Persons
bullet Litigate for the United States
bullet Uphold Civil Rights & Liberties
bullet Uphold Disability Rights
bullet Operate Task Forces
bullet Help Victims of Crime
bullet Foster Safe Communities
bullet Combat Gang Violence
bullet Prevent Youth Violence
bullet End Violence Against Women
bullet Investigate Fraud
bullet Fight Trafficking in Persons
bullet Manage Prisons and Inmates
bullet Promote Dispute Resolution

Operate Task Forces

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT)

Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are taking the fight against Medicare and Medicaid fraud to a new level. They have committed senior officials from HHS and DOJ to work together on the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT). The HEAT Team will expand efforts to stop fraud and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Corporate Fraud Task Force

The President's Corporate Fraud Task Force is led by the Deputy Attorney General. The President's Corporate Fraud Task Force comprises both a Department of Justice group that focuses on enhancing the criminal enforcement activities within the Department, and an inter-agency group that focuses on maximizing cooperation and joint regulatory and enforcement efforts throughout the federal law enforcement community. Former Deputy Attorney General Thompson explained the goal of the President's Corporate Fraud Task Force, "As we establish with ever increasing certainty the prospect that corporate criminals will lose both their fortunes and their liberty, we will have gone a long way to restoring the integrity of the market and the confidence of the nation."

Enron Task Force

The investigation into Enron’s collapse was conducted by the Enron Task Force, a team of federal prosecutors supervised by the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Special Agents from the FBI and IRS Criminal Investigation. The Task Force also has coordinated with and received considerable assistance from the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Enron Task Force is part of the President's Corporate Fraud Task Force, created in July 2002 to investigate allegations of fraud and corruption at U.S. corporations.

Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force

On September 8, 2005, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales established the Task Force to deter, detect, and prosecute instances of fraud related to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The Task Force will combat all types of fraud relating to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, with an initial emphasis on charity fraud, identity theft, insurance fraud, and procurement and government-benefit fraud.

Identity Theft Task Force

The President’s Identity Theft Task Force, chaired by the Attorney General and co-chaired by the Federal Trade Commission Chairman, has been working diligently since its inception in May 2006 to develop a comprehensive strategy for steps the federal government can take to combat identity theft.

Joint Terrorism Task Force

Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) are small cells of highly trained, locally based, passionately committed investigators, analysts, linguists, SWAT experts, and other specialists from dozens of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. It is a multi-agency effort led by the Justice Department and FBI designed to combine the resources of federal, state, and local law enforcement.

National Procurement Fraud Task Force

The National Procurement Fraud Task Force was created on October 10, 2006, to promote the prevention, early detection and prosecution of procurement fraud. In announcing the formation of the Task Force, former Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty explained, "Procurement fraud cheats American taxpayers and harms the government's efforts to obtain the goods and services needed for its mission. At a time of heightened concern for our nation's security, every tax dollar is precious."

Obscenity Prosecution Task Force

Created in 2005, the Task Force is dedicated exclusively to the protection of America's children and families through the enforcement of our Nation's obscenity laws.


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