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Last updated on 2009-08-06 09:44:33
Annual Briefings of Clinical Investigations Program (CIP)

The objective of the Clinical Investigations Program (CIP) is to provide an opportunity for Department of Defense (DoD) medical personnel to participate in clinical research. Clinical research contributes to generalized biomedical knowledge, advances approaches to preserving and restoring the health of DoD beneficiaries, and is important in obtaining approval of accreditation committees reviewing graduate medical education.

The specific focus of the studies is determined largely at the Services and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) level. OASD(HA) does not specifically determine which clinical studies shall be performed and does not set a research agenda. However, it may provide focus to specific studies when necessary because of DoD policy or direction from Congress (usually via an appropriation).

FY 2007 Summary

The military health system is involved in a wide range of clinical investigative activities. Summaries of these activities are briefed to Health Affairs annually by the Services and USUHS. The briefings for the FY 2007, CIP were held on August 8, 2008. The following chart provides an overview of the CIP for FY 2007. For previous summaries, visit our archived briefings page.

FY2007 Overview of Clinical Investigations Program

Service/ USUHS

Total Funding FY2007

Active Protocols (End FY)

Publications, Abstracts, Presentations



$44,225,947 ($34,206,971 in FY 2006)

2,395 (2,170 in FY 2006)

646 publications, 409 abstracts, 848 presentations

- Securing $24.5 million in CRADAs
- Assurance oversight by the Army Human Research Protections Office
- Department of Health and Human Services granting of Federal-Wide Assurances for most research sites
- Successful ongoing training and verification for investigators, IRB members, and staff


$5,695,385 ($8,983,231 in FY 2006)

667 (779 in FY 2006)

552 publications

National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda
- executing review of extramural programs and identifying a cadre of potential research mentors

Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP)
- Established an Assurance to permit clinical research in Kuwait near the battle zone
- Passed an AAALAC inspection
- Continued monthly training and mini-workshops on doing research
- Conducted three research symposia with programs for interns/residents at NMCP and for family residents and hospital staff at Camp LeJeune

Naval Medical Center San Diego
- Passed their AAALAC inspection
- Conducted an annual academic research competition for researchers, physicians, nurses, post-graduate trainees, and students
- Now supports over 400 active research studies

Air Force

$9,966,000 ($9,535,000 in FY 2006)

727 (1109 in FY 2006)

137 publications

-Selection and funding of their first year of intramural research projects
- Mid-year review of all ongoing projects
- Holding second annual Air Force Medical System research symposium in August 2007


$80,400,000 ($67,300,000 in FY 2006)

318 projects

349 publications

- Awarded Defense Threat Reduction Agency funding for 10 radiological threat and chemical research studies
- Stood up centers for traumatic stress; deployment health, and deployment psychology as part of the Centers of Excellence for Traumatic Brain Injury and Preventive Health
- Established a Blast Lethality Injury Program
- Established a Blast Spinal cord Injury Program
- Received Liaison Committee on Medical Education accreditation is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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