This is the image for the the Buy Accessible Wizard. It is a hyperlink to the wizard as well. Please click on this image to go to the Buy Accessible Wizard
Opening Doors to IT Logo. Graphic shows 5 stars with accessible phone, handset, TTY, and wheelchair displayed. Links to website.


Are you trying to…
  • Determine if your purchase is subject to Section 508?

  • Find companies and do market research to buy Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) products or services?

  • Provide documentation for Section 508 compliance?

Use the BuyAccessible Wizard to ensure consistency and proof of due diligence every time.


Are you trying to…
  • Sell Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) products and services to the government?

  • Provide an easy way to showcase accessibility information for government buyers?

Register with the BuyAccessible Product and Services Directory so that buyers can easily find your accessibility information.
Visit for everything you need to know about Section 508. For more information on designing, testing and evaluating EIT