About Lincoln Laboratory

MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a federally funded research and development center chartered to apply advanced technology to problems of national security. Research and development activities focus on long-term technology development as well as rapid system prototyping and demonstration. These efforts are aligned within key mission areas. The Laboratory works with industry to transition new concepts and technology for system development and deployment. 

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The Laboratory employs some of the nation's top scientists and engineers to work on challenging problems for national security. Meet some of these people in our Staff Profiles.

Thumbnail of 2 program participantsLincoln Laboratory trains future contracting leaders

MIT Lincoln Laboratory established the Leadership Development Program for Contracting to prepare future contracting specialists. more ›

Tech Notes

Brief reports on the Laboratory's technical accomplishments and capabilities

Extended Space Sensors Architecture (pdf) ›

CANARY: Technology for rapidly identifying biological agents (pdf) ›

Multiple-Antenna Techniques for Wireless Communications (pdf) ›

Micropumps: Innovations to transport fluids in microchips (pdf) › 

Technology Transfer:
A vital part of the Laboratory’s mission (pdf) ›



Annual Report icon

2008 Annual Report (pdf)

Lab Notes

Articles on intriguing technical innovations

Radio Wave of the Future › Laboratory models communications protocols to help the military design next-generation software-defined radios.

Plotting the Laboratory's Technology Future › Chief Technology Officer Zachary Lemnios identifies key strengths that will distinguish the Laboratory.

Dialect Detectives › System that distinguishes among variants in spoken languages could enhance automated machine translation.

A Fast Switch › Work on a high-speed optical switch could provide one component for future optical communications networks.

view all Lab Notes ›

MIT Collaborations

Environmental Test Lab helps students realize their vision for a satellite

MIT student building a test satellite

MIT undergraduates are constructing a satellite as part of a three-semester Space Systems Product Development course that gives students real-world experience designing, building, and implementing hardware. Testing at Lincoln Laboratory helps the young designers troubleshoot their system.     more ›

Community Outreach

Hikers for MS hikeThe annual "Bike and Hike the Berkshires" event, a fund-raiser coordinated through the Lincoln Laboratory Community Outreach (LLCO) program in support of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, will be held on 26 September. Participants can choose to bike any of the three cycling routes—25, 50, or 100 miles—or hike either a shorter (4 to 6 miles) or longer (6 to 9 miles) route. To join the Lincoln Laboratory team, please contact the LLCO.