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Interior Department Radio News Service
08/06/09:  Interior Tells Senate About Progress on Renewables
Tom Strickland, the Department of the Interior’s Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks , testified before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Thursday August 6.  The full committee hearing was entitled “Climate Change and Ensuring that America Leads the Clean Energy Transformation.”  Also testifying on the panel were Jon Wellinghoff, Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the Department of Energy.
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Topic: Assistant Secretary Strickland assured the committee that development of renewable energy is not coming at the expense of conventional energy development on public lands.  (Text)

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Topic: Assistant Secretary Strickland said that all issues including environmental and transportation issues are being looked at with respect to development of solar energy. (Text)

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Topic: Assistant Secretary Strickland says that renewable energy development is in an early stage but that the department is moving quickly to put infrastructure into place.  (Text)

07/30/09:  Interior Invests $40 Million for California Drought Relief

The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Mike Connor announced today that $40 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) has been released for drought-relief projects in California.  Projects include the installation of temporary pipelines and pumps, drilling and installation of new water wells, well-enhancement projects, and a groundwater monitoring effort.  In an interview, Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes said these investments will help preserve permanent crops and associated jobs in an area that is experiencing a prolonged drought, economic hardship and some of the highest unemployment rates in the United States. 

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Topic: Deputy Secretary David Hayes was appointed by Secretary Salazar to lead the federal water efforts in California.  He says the emergency drought relief will help to stretch limited water supplies.  (Text)

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Topic: Deputy Secretary Hayes says the drought projects can begin immediately.  (Text)

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Topic: Deputy Secretary Hayes says California water is a top priority for recovery dollars.   (Text)

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Topic: Deputy Secretary Hayes promises the federal government will be a full partner with California.  (Text)

07/24/09:  Secretary Salazar Cites Progress Under Recovery Act
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar testified today before the House Budget Committee that the Department of the Interior is making “swift progress” on making investments and creating jobs using the $3 billion entrusted to Interior under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
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Topic: Secretary Salazar says the Recovery Act is working and that investments are being made responsibly.  "We want to insure that taxpayer dollars are not going to waste." (Text)

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Topic:Secretary Salazar told the committee that nearly $1.1 billion of recovery act funds will be committed by October. (Text)

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Topic: Secretary Salazar says jobs will be created during the next 18 months as the recovery funds are obligated and that it will have a positive economic impact.   (Text)


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7/16/09: Interior Withdraws Legally Flawed Plan for Oregon Forests
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Thursday that because the previous administration failed to follow established administrative procedure, he is withdrawing the Western Oregon Plan Revisions for logging in that area.
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Topic: Secretary Salazar says failure to consult on Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act left the plan indefensable against legal challenges. (Text)

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Topic:Secretary Salazar says timber sales will now be guided by the Northwest Forest Plan and that BLM and FWS will work to identify ecologically sound timber sales to keep mills in business.. (Text)

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Topic:Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Tom Strickland said the federal government will conduct a thorough review of the spotted owl recovery plan.   (Text)


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U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Last Updated on 07/31/09