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Republican Study Committee in Congress

Reps. King & Huelskamp Introduce "No Hungry Kids Act"

Posted: September 14, 2012

Rep. Steve King and Rep. Tim Huelskamp introduced the "No Hungry Kids Act" today. The bill was introduced in response to recently released school lunch standards from United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) that have left children around the nation hungry during their school day due to extreme... more

Conservatives Launch Anti-Poverty Initiative, Hear from Effective Community Activists

Posted: September 13, 2012

With poverty at historic highs after nearly fifty years of the federal government’s “War on Poverty,” members of the Republican Study Committee officially launched a new Anti-Poverty Initiative today in a summit with community and grassroots leaders brought together from across the country by Bob Wo... more

Rep. Walsh Introduces Legislation to Ensure Every Vote Counts

Posted: September 13, 2012

Rep. Joe Walsh re-introduced his bill, the Federal Election Integrity Act. The measure requires citizens to present a government-issued photo ID to vote in federal elections and provides money to states to provide IDs to those who cannot afford them. Rep. Walsh issued the following statement: "I wan... more