Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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05/08/09  Lugar's Ball State Commencement Speech
05/08/09  Lugar's Ball State Commencement Speech
05/05/09  Lugar speech on world hunger
02/25/09  Lugar calls for deeper understanding of food shortage challenges
02/23/09  U.S. Uniquely Positioned to Lead the World in Dealing with Major Threats
02/09/09  Lugar Addresses Deforestation Conference
11/06/08  Lugar: Overcoming hunger should be starting point for U.S. domestic, foreign policy
10/15/08  Lugar Lays Out Foreign Policy Agenda for Next President
10/07/08  Lugar: Energy security should be foremost target for new investment
10/02/08  Lugar speech on status of Nunn-Lugar
09/09/08  Lugar Summarizes Energy Mission, Encourages Energy Dialogue with Latin America
07/15/08  Lugar: transparency is a core condition for democracy and human rights
07/02/08  Lugar addresses world food crisis
06/06/08  Lugar: We can improve our food and economic security
05/16/08  Lugar commencement address to Calumet College
05/02/08  Lugar Encourages IU Law Grads to Lead
04/15/08  Lugar Calls for Trans-Atlantic Energy Security Strategy
04/07/08  Lugar: The Bipartisan Way
02/27/08  Lugar Addresses Global Environmental Concerns with Optimism
02/14/08  Lugar: Dramatic Shifts in World Trade Not Fully Understood
01/30/08  Lugar Speech at Conference on Defense against Weapons of Mass Destruction
01/04/08  Lugar Addresses Indiana Renewable Energy Forum as Oil Reaches $100 per barrel Milestone
12/18/07  U.S. Energy Security and the 2008 Presidential Election
12/10/07  Reinvigorating U.S. Moral Identity in the World
11/05/07  Address to the U.S.-Libya Business Association
10/08/07  Lugar Offers Agenda for Bush and Putin Meeting
09/21/07  Lugar Speech to Expand U.S. Leadership on HIV/AIDS
07/12/07  Lugar Speech to 2020 Vision 2nd Annual National Summit on Energy Security
06/25/07  Lugar Senate Floor Speech Calls for Course Change in Iraq
05/14/07  Lugar: Our energy dependence is perpetuated by a lack of national will and focus
05/11/07  Lugar Speech to Environmental Defense Board of Trustees
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