China Energy Group

Working collaboratively with groups in China and elsewhere to understand the dynamics of energy use, improve energy efficiency, and reduce emissions in China; strengthen Chinese capabilities in energy efficiency; and enhance relationships on energy efficiency among Chinese, U.S., and international institutions.

Low Carbon Eco-City Development

The China Energy Group is working with Chinese stakeholders on low-carbon eco-city development to provide technical assistance on developing bilingual best practice guidebooks, guidelines, and strategies, to benchmark cities using indicator systems, and to develop, disseminate, and provide training on tools to evaluate cities.

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Policies for Low-Carbon Markets

For over two decades, the China Energy Group has worked collaboratively with diverse organizations in China to develop innovative policy solutions to help develop low-carbon markets focusing on the areas of optimizing governance solutions and policy-technology integration.

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Future Low-Emissions Pathways

The China Energy Group is using its in-house detailed, bottom-up energy end-use model to analyze potential low-carbon energy demand and supply options at national, sectoral, and technology levels, to evaluate policy impacts, and to develop mid- and long-term outlooks for low-emissions pathways for China.

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Energy System Planning & Grid Integration

The China Energy Group is engaging with both demand and supply side stakeholders to promote demand response, demand side management, grid integration of renewable energy, and distributed energy resources as effective tools for moving to a low-carbon grid.

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Low Emission & Efficient Industry

The China Energy Group is working with various Chinese and U.S. government and non-government partners to understand the energy efficiency of Chinese industry through policy analysis, integrated energy models, and analytical tools, as well as providing guidebooks, assessment tools, and training programs for Chinese stakeholders.

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Low Emission & Efficient Buildings and Equipment

The China Energy Group provides technical assistance to Chinese government institutions, building research institutes, universities, and industries to build capacity in building and equipment standards, rating and label development and on building software tools, modeling future energy use, and very low energy buildings.

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China Energy Databook

Reliable and accurate data are critical to good analysis for policy and business. In 1992, we released the first edition, acknowledged to be the most comprehensive and authoritative sourcebook of its kind. We have continued revising and expanding the database, currently in its 8th edition.

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