Other Maritime Issues

Where do I find the value and weight of the waterborne imports and exports?
U.S. Foreign Waterborne Transportation Statistics program

Where do I find statistics on the commercial movement of foreign and domestic cargos or waterborne commerce?
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Navigation Data Center

What are the top U.S. Ports by tonnage?
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Navigation Data Center

Where do I find agriculture trade and transportation statistics?
U.S. Department of Agriculture
What type and how many vessels are calling at U.S. Ports?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

How many Americans take cruises each year?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

What are the flag of registry, country of ownership, type, and age of global merchant fleet?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

What are the top U.S. container ports?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration
Where do I find transportation statistics?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Who do I contact about oil and water pollution? 
U.S. Coast Guard, National Pollution Funds Center (202) 493-6780                                                                                                            

Where do I find U.S. flagged merchant fleet statistics?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

Where do I find waterborne traffic statistics?
National Response Center 1-800-424-8802
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (202) 272-0167
U.S. Coast Guard, National Pollution Funds Center (202) 493-6780
Where do I find statistics on vessel casualties and resulting water pollution?
U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Where do I find maritime drug interdiction statistics?
U.S. States Coast Guard, Drug Seizure Statistics
Where do I find migrant interdiction statistics?
U.S. Coast Guard, Migrant Interdiction Statistics
Where do I find policies on foreign trade?
U.S. International Trade Commission
U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs & Border Protection
Where do I find trade statistics?
U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau

Where do I find information on the carriage of cargo by water in the U.S. domestic trade?
Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation

Where do I find information about training, educational requirements, and job opportunities with the U.S. Merchant Marine? 

United States Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security


Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation


Where can I find information on Veterans' benefits for Merchant Marines serving during World War II?

United States Coast Guard


Where would I find information about Cabotage Laws?

Maritime Administration