
Shepard's Citators

Gothic Palace, Lehman Caves, Great Basin National Park, Nevada; National Park Service.
Gothic Palace, Lehman Caves, Great Basin National Park, Nevada; National Park Service.

Attorneys are responsible for knowing the precedential value of a case, statute or regulation before relying upon it in argument or in a legal pleading. To determine the precedential value of a legal authority, you need to Shepardize its citation in order to determine its history and subsequent treatment by the courts. Subsequent treatment information includes citations to citing cases, law review articles and relevant American Law Report annotations.

One can Shepardize a wide range of legal documents, including Federal and state court cases, Federal and state legislation, Restatements of Law, Uniform Laws Annotated, Code of Federal Regulations and law review articles. One can use Lexis-Nexis to Shepardize cases and statutes by clicking on "Check a Citation" in the Main Search Screen or by clicking on Shepardize® while reviewing case law citations or text.

The Library maintains three print sets of Shepard's Citators:

  • Shepard's Acts and Cases by Popular Name (KF90 .S52 - Deck 4, Aisle 10A)
  • Shepard's CFR Citations (KF78 .S54 - Deck 4, Aisle 30B)
  • Shepard's U.S. Administrative Citations (KF153.2 .S5 1996 - Deck 4, Aisle 36A)

Shepard's Acts and Cases by Popular Name allows users to locate Federal and state statutes by their popular names. This set yields public law, Statutes at Large and U.S. Code cites for Federal legislation and state code cites for state legislation.

Shepard's CFR Citations allows users to locate Federal and state case law that has construed the meaning of Federal regulations. This set also yields law review articles and American Law Report annotations that discuss the pertinent regulations.

Shepard's United States Administrative Citations provides a compilation of citations regarding the decisions and orders of various Federal administrative departments, courts, boards and commissions. Users will locate parallel cites to administrative decisions in topical looseleaf services and citations to later Federal, administrative and state cases that cite and construe the earlier decisions. Typical administrative decision titles that are Shepardized by this set include:

  • American Maritime Cases
  • Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
  • Customs Bulletin/U.S. Customs Service Treasury decisions
  • Custom Court and Rules Decisions
  • Decisions of the Department of Interior
  • Decisions of the Department of Interior, Public Lands
  • Federal Communication Commission Decisions
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Decisions
  • Federal Power Commission Decisions
  • Federal Trade Commission Decisions
  • Interstate Commerce Commission Reports
  • Motor Carrier Cases
  • Opinions of the Attorney General of the United States
  • Security and Exchange Commission Decisions and Reports
  • Treasury Decisions
  • United States Tax Court Reports
  • Valuation Decisions and Reports

U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 5/20/09

NBC Administrative Operations Directorate