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Establishing a solid energy policy is one of the most important roles that Congress has.  Legislation that simply raises taxes on American oil companies will not alleviate the problem.  In fact, it will only make the burden heavier for consumers.  I believe we need to implement legislation that will encourage conservation and promote the research and innovation necessary to develop new technologies.  But, while doing this, we must also unlock new oil supply.  Texans still put gasoline in their cars and trucks so we can’t expect new technology to take the place of oil and gas overnight.  I believe that creating a renewable energy portfolio-wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal and ethanol-while maximizing our use of domestic fossil fuels-coal, oil and natural gas-will allow us to plan for our future needs while providing enough energy for today.

While our nation may require the use of fossil fuels for some time, renewable sources of energy also have great potential to alleviate our energy shortcomings.  I strongly support the federal government’s initiative to provide grant funding for research and development of new technologies.

Our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of energy poses both an approaching supply problem and potential threat to our national security.  I firmly believe we must reduce our dependence on crude oil from countries, such as Iran and Venezuela, who wish America harm.  By exploring alternative and traditional sources of energy within the jurisdiction of the United States, our energy independence and national security can be improved. 


HR 5429, American-Made Energy & Good Jobs Act
A bill to provide for energy exploration and production in ANWR that will take place under the most stringent environmental protection requirements ever applied to federal energy project, using the most sophisticated 21st Century technology available. It will be limited to just 2000 acres of ANWR’s “1002” area, an acreage limitation made possible by 21st century technology. (House Passed)

H.R. 5253, Federal Energy Price Protection Act of 2006
This bill prohibits price gouging, at anytime, in the market for gasoline, diesel fuel, crude oil, home heating oil, and biofuels. The bill directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to define “price gouging,” “wholesale sale” and “retail sale”, provides for strong civil enforcement by the FTC and by states’ attorneys general, and criminal enforcement by the U.S. attorney general and the Department of Justice, and provides for both civil and criminal penalties for price gouging. (House Passed)

H.R. 5143, H-Prize Act of 2006
This bill establishes a prize competition to encourage the development of breakthrough technologies that would make hydrogen a practical alternative to oil in our transportation sector. (House Passed)

H.R. 5427, Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations

Act for Fiscal Year 2007
This bill provides funding for research into a variety of alternative energy technologies, including biomass, hydrogen, solar, wind, and clean coal. Developments in these technologies will help put our nation on the path to energy independence and help make our air and water cleaner by reducing pollution. (House Passed)

H.R. 6, Energy Policy Act of 2005
This comprehensive energy bill ensures a more affordable and environmentally friendly energy supply. America’s prosperity and national security are at stake. House and Senate Republicans successfully developed the first overhaul of national energy policy to pass Congress in more than a decade-- a far-reaching measure aimed at boosting domestic fuel supplies and providing relief, over the long term, from high prices. The measure touched on virtually every aspect of American energy production and consumption, including the electrical grid, hybrid cars, traditional oil and gas drilling, and incentives to develop new energy sources. (Public Law)

H.R. 3893, Gasoline for America’s Security Act of 2005
House Republicans stepped forward and took action to lower prices at the pump for American consumers. The Gasoline for America’s Security (GAS) Act of 2005 took action to lower the cost of gasoline over the mid- and long-term and to address vital national security needs. If the Gas Act becomes law, it will increase domestic production and refining capacity, lessen the countries dependence on the gulf coast region and address vital national security needs by reducing our dependence on Middle Eastern oil.     (House Passed)

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