Images Resources

Screenshot of images within the program Adobe Bridge

Here are some links to energy- and environment-related photographic databases.


Berkeley Lab Image Library

Historical images of 75 years of Berkeley Lab history.


Compiles the digital collections of libraries, museums, and cultural heritage organizations across California, and organizes them by theme, such as by era, with special attention to usability for K-12 educators.

Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)

DLESE's educational resources include lesson plans, scientific data, visualizations, interactive computer models, and virtual field trips.

DOE Digital Photo Archive

Serves as a centralized resource for thousands of photographs that depict the Department's various programs.

Global Warming Art

It is the goal of Global Warming Art to make climate change data accessible to the public through a collection of figures and images that accurately highlight and describe key issues necessary to understanding our world's changing climate.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Photostream

Visit the Lab's flickr site to access photos depicting research, facilities, education, tech transfer, Nobel laureates, historical events, and numerous other categories. The site is searchable by keyword.

National Science Digital Library (NSDL)

NSDL is the Nation's online library for education and research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Photographic Information eXchange (PIX)

Consists of renewable energy and energy efficiency technology photographs. The collection was developed and is maintained for the Department of Energy (DOE) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. PIX is part of NREL's Information Clearinghouse (NICH).

The UCAR Digital Image Library

A collection of weather, climate, and Earth system imagery, maintained by the University Corporation for Atomspheric Research (UCAR).

The World Bank Group Photo Library

A distinctive collection of over 11,000 images that illustrate development through topics such as Agriculture, Education, Environment, Health, Trade and more.