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IDN Portal

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International Directory Network (IDN)

Welcome to the CEOS International Directory Network - A Gateway to a World of Earth Science Data. The CEOS International Directory Network (CEOS IDN) is an international effort developed to assist researchers in locating information on available datasets. The CEOS IDN is sponsored by the Technology and Services Subgroup of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) as a service to both the Earth and space science communities. To view the full content of the CEOS IDN data sets, please visit the IDN portal. Subsets of the complete IDN content that focus on specific projects or contributing organizations can be viewed below under the topic, "IDN Portals".


What's New

The CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal was created in response to a request through the CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) during the February 2008 meeting in Sanya, China. You may view the portal here, or please click on the image below. The target audience is decision makers, as this portal offers visualizations of data that emphasize long-term climatic trends that are searchable through Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs).

Climate Diagnostics Portal


IDN Portals

AMD > Antarctic Master Directory
CEOP > Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period
ESA > European Space Agency
GISD > Geographic Information for Sustainable Development
GOFC > Global Observation of Forest Cover Development
Health Data Portal
Health Data Services Portal
JAXA > Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
NASA EOSDIS DAACS > Earth Observing System Data And Information Archive Centers
NOAA > National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
UN > United Nations Earth Science Data
WWF > World Water Forum
GEOSS Data and Data Service
GEOSS Related Portals





Last modified 2009-06-19
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