ITLMathematical  Computational Sciences Division
Discrete Mathematical Analysis Group
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Performs research and maintains expertise in the theory, methodology, and application of discrete mathematics for application to the NIST measurement science program; in particular, maintains and applies expertise in mathematical subdisciplines such as combinatorics, graph theory, network science, operations research, optimization, discrete nonlinear dynamics, computational geometry, quantum mechanics, and information theory, for application in such areas as the study of fundamental models of physics, chemistry, biology, and information systems, complex systems analysis, pattern recognition, and quantum computing and communications; in collaboration with NIST and outside scientists, develops, analyzes, and applies related mathematical methods and tools for critical problems of measurement science at NIST; develops mathematical foundations for the measurement science of information systems.

Ronald Boisvert Acting Leader Phone Book Entry
Isabel Beichl Staff Phone Book Entry
Javier Bernal Staff Phone Book Entry
David E. Gilsinn Staff Phone Book Entry
Scott Glancy Staff (Boulder) Phone Book Entry
E. (Manny) Knill Staff (Boulder) Phone Book Entry
Vladimir Marbukh Staff Phone Book Entry
Stephen Bullock Guest Researcher Phone Book Entry
Brian Cloteaux Postdoctoral Associate Phone Book Entry
Bryan Eastin Postdoctoral Associate (Boulder) Phone Book Entry
Saul I. Gass Faculty Appointee Phone Book Entry
James F. Lawrence Faculty Appointee Phone Book Entry
Sita Ramamurti Guest Researcher Phone Book Entry
Francis Sullivan Guest Researcher Phone Book Entry
Christoph J. Witzgall Scientist Emeritus Phone Book Entry
Yanbao Zhang Guest Researcher (Boulder) Phone Book Entry

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