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Welcome to GMOD

GMOD is the Generic Model Organism Database project, a collection of open source software tools for creating and managing genome-scale biological databases. You can use it to create a small laboratory database of genome annotations, or a large web-accessible community database. GMOD tools are in use at many large and small community databases.

How do I Get Started?

See Overview for the big picture. For an introduction to specific GMOD components see the list of the most popular tools at the right, or visit GMOD Components for a comprehensive list of GMOD tools. If GMOD looks promising for your needs, consider attending the next GMOD community meeting.

How do I Get Support?

GMOD support is available from several different sources. Support introduces each support option (this web site, GMOD Mailing Lists, Training and Outreach activities (including GMOD Schools), and the GMOD Help Desk) and offers guidance on which one is the most appropriate for your question.

How do I Get Involved?

As an open source project GMOD relies on the donation of time and software by groups and individuals. Contribution of new tools, adoption of existing ones, and improving the documentation are all welcome. Existing and potential users are encouraged to provide feedback via mailing lists or the help desk. The GMOD Project Page lists projects in need of ideas and developers. You can also attend project meetings. The next project meeting will be held in October 2011 at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto, Canada.

Contributing Organizations

FlyBase WormBase wFleaBase CSHL Gramene NESCent SGD MGI DictyBase RGD   BioCyc University of Utah EcoliWiki Berkeley Lab ParameciumDB SGN FlyMine OICR CUGI Penn State University iPlant Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics Emory University University of California Berkeley TAIR Washington State University University of Saskatchewan

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