Iraq and National Security

Continuing to support our brave men and women in uniform is among Congresswoman Capito's highest priorities. She has a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by American service members and their families, and she has pledged her continued support for our military men and women.

She's visited American combat troops deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq and believes it is imperative that they have the tools and support necessary to complete their missions and withdraw. The success of the troop surge in Iraq has led to the redeployment of multiple American units, and the Congresswoman looks forward to the continued deliberate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.

Their service has helped to vastly improve Iraqi security and provide breathing room for considerable political progress and reconciliation among the various Iraqi factions and religious groups. While immense obstacles remain, the hard work of American forces makes the prospect of a stable democratic society in the Middle East a real possibility. The Iraqis recently held peaceful provincial elections and as American forces return home, they can do so knowing that their service and sacrifice has given the Iraqi people the opportunity for freedom and self-determination.

Of course, American security and global stability also depend on operations in Afghanistan and along the Afghan-Pakistan border, where it is believed that Osama Bin Laden and much of his remaining Al-Qaeda leadership have been surrounded.

With the joint efforts of our military, the intelligence community and American diplomats, we must continue to apply policies that monitor global terrorist communications and disrupt terrorist activities to ensure the safety of the American people.

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