Isotopes of Silicon (Z=14)

Click on an isotope to get more information about its decay
Isotope Half-life Spin Parity Decay Mode(s) or Abundance
22Si 6 ms 0+ %EC+%B+=100, %ECP=?
24Si 102 ms 0+ %EC+%B+=100, %ECP ~ 7
25Si 220 ms 5/2+ %EC+%B+=100, %ECP=?
26Si 2.234 s 0+ %EC+%B+=100
27Si 4.16 s5/2+ %EC+%B+=100
28Si stable0+ %Abundance=92.23 1
29Si stable1/2+ %Abundance=4.67 1
30Si stable0+ %Abundance=3.10 1
31Si 157.3 m3/2+ %B-=100
32Si 150 y0+ %B-=100
33Si 6.18 s %B-=100
34Si 2.77 s 0+ %B-=100
35Si 0.78 s %B-=100
36Si 0.45 s 0+ %B-=100, %B-N < 10
38Si 0+
40Si 0+
42Si 0+
Isotope Explorer Nuclear Structure and Decay Data
8th Edition of the Table of Isotopes
Isotopes Project Home Page
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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