Isotopes of Seaborgium (Z=106)

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Isotope Half-life Spin Parity Decay Mode(s) or Abundance
258Sg 2.9 ms 0+ %SF=100
259Sg 0.48 s(1/2+) %A=90 10, %SF < 20
260Sg 3.6 ms 0+ %A=50 +30-20 , %SF=50 +20-30
261Sg 0.23 s %A=95 5, %SF<10
262Sg 0+
263Sg 0.8 s %SF ~ 70, %A ~ 30
263m1Sg 0.31 s [9/2+]
264Sg 0+
265Sg 10 s [1/2+] %A>50, %SF<50
266Sg 21 s 0+ %A=50 25, %SF=50 25
Isotope Explorer Nuclear Structure and Decay Data
8th Edition of the Table of Isotopes
Isotopes Project Home Page
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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