Isotopes of Lanthanum (Z=57)

Click on an isotope to get more information about its decay
Isotope Half-life Spin Parity Decay Mode(s) or Abundance
120La 2.8 s %EC+%B+=100
121La 5.3 s %EC+%B+=100, %ECP=?
122La 8.7 s %EC+%B+=100, %ECP=?
123La 17 s %EC+%B+=100
124La 29 s %EC+%B+=100
124m1La 1 s %EC+%B+=100
125La 76 s(11/2-) %EC+%B+=100
126La 54 s %EC+%B+=100
127La 5.1 m(11/2-) %EC+%B+=100
127m1La 3.7 m(3/2+) %EC+%B+=100, %IT=?
128La 5.0 m(5+) %EC+%B+=100
128m1La 560 ms (1+,2+) %EC+%B+=100
129La 11.6 m 3/2+ %EC+%B+=100
129m1La 0.56 s 11/2- %IT=100
130La 8.7 m 3(+) %EC+%B+=100
131La 59 m 3/2+ %EC+%B+=100
132La 4.8 h2- %EC+%B+=100
132m1La 24.3 m 6- %IT=76, %EC+%B+=24
133La 3.912 h5/2+ %EC+%B+=100
134La 6.45 m 1+ %EC+%B+=100
135La 19.5 h 5/2+ %EC+%B+=100
136La 9.87 m1+ %EC+%B+=100
136m1La 114 ms %IT=100
137La 6e4 y7/2+ %EC=100
138La 1.05e+11 y 5+ %Abundance=0.0902 2, %B-=33.6 5 , %EC+%B+=66.4 5
139La stable7/2+ %Abundance=99.9098 2
140La 1.6781 d3- %B-=100
141La 3.92 h(7/2+) %B-=100
142La 91.1 m2- %B-=100
143La 14.2 m(7/2)+ %B-=100
144La 40.8 s (3-) %B-=100
145La 24.8 s (5/2+) %B-=100
146La 6.27 s2- %B-=100
146m1La 10.0 s(6-) %B-=100
147La 4.015 s(5/2+) %B-=100, %B-N=0.035 6
148La 1.05 s(2-) %B-=100 , %B-N=0.11 1
149La 1.05 s %B-=100, %B-N=1.43 28
150La 0.86 s %B-=100, %B-N=2.7 3
Isotope Explorer Nuclear Structure and Decay Data
8th Edition of the Table of Isotopes
Isotopes Project Home Page
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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