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Find Us - People & Places

USGS Coastal & Marine Geology Program Field Centers:
Menlo Park, CA | St. Petersburg, FL | Woods Hole, MA
National map of locations of Coastal and Marine Program Field Centers
Coastal and Marine Geology Team - St. Petersburg, Florida Coastal and Marine Geology Team - Woods Hole, Massachusetts Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Team - Menlo Park, California

Program Coordinator:
John Haines
USGS National Center, MS 915
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive,
Reston, Virginia 20192

Associate Program Coordinator:
Susan Russell-Robinson
USGS National Center, MS 915-B
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive,
Reston, Virginia 20192

Menlo Park, California St. Petersburg, Florida Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Team,
USGS Research Center,
Menlo Park, California
Staff and Phones
Coastal and Marine Geology Team - St. Petersburg,
USGS Center for Coastal & Regional Marine Studies,
St. Petersburg, Florida
Staff and phones
Coastal and Marine Geology Team - Woods Hole,
USGS Woods Hole Field Center,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Staff and phones

Michael Carr, Chief Scientist (

Jack Kindinger, Chief Scientist (

Bill Schwab, Chief Scientist (

Electronic Directory for the entire USGS

Coastal and Marine Geology Program > Find Us - People & Places U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Coastal and Marine Geology Program

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Updated May 14, 2009 @ 09:27 AM (JSS)