Credits for FSL's Interactive ACARS Display

This package was developed by the Meteorological Applications Branch and the Regional Analysis and Prediction Branch of FSL's Forecast Research Division.

Kevin Brundage provides substantial help and guidance on the use of the IDL graphics package.

Mark Govett provided the IDL code for the sounding graphic, based on code developed by Andrew F. Loughe. Mark also provided the code that generates sounding data in the FAA 604 format needed by the SHARP sounding analysis package.

Paul Hamer, Leslie Ewy, Joe Carlson, and Amenda Stanley of FSL's Facility Division provide the front-end ACARS data decoding.

Data are stored internally in the netCDF format, and manipulated using a package of routines provided by Unidata.

The perl language and the IDL* graphics package are used extensively.

This package displays data provided by American, Delta, Federal Express, Northwest, United, and United Parcel Service Airlines. We are grateful to these companies for their cooperation.

Larry Cornman of NCAR developed the turbulence product that produces eddy dissipation rate data.

(* Mention of a commercial product does not imply endorsement by the Federal Government.)

Prepared by Bill Moninger 303-497-6435
Last modified: Tue Feb 20 10:07:32 2001