FSL ACARS Web Change Details

For the CONUS display, fixed a bug that did not correctly rotate the winds to match the projection, Changed routines: cdfacars.pro, barbs.pro

Fixed a y2k bug(!) that prevented satellite backgrounds from being loaded. Also chose a different color for the map background so that it will (I hope) show reasonably well both with and without a satellite background. Changed routine: cdfacars.pro, get_latest_satellite.pl

added processing of 'format' info, to print out when a private FSL user is accessing the page. Changed routine: cdfacars.pro, loadacars.pro

Fixed a problem with sounding information not being generated if the number of total points loaded exceeded 32767. Routine changed: cdfacars.pro

Can now read files with encrypted tailnumbers. (This change only effects internal use.) Changed routine: loadacars.pro


If dewpoint is available in the QC data file, this dewpoint is used in plots and printout. Otherwise, dewpoint is calculated from water vapor mixing ratio, WITHOUT any corrections.

Moved to a new web server that is several times faster than the old one.

Now reads data files from FSL Facility Division's QC processing if the primary files are unavailable.


7-May-98 (30-Apr-98 locally)
Added support for new turbulence format for eddy dissipation rate (EDR). For EDR-reporting aircraft only, his format generates up to 3 interpolated reports for each 'real' report. Each interpolated report has good EDR data, but missing wind and temperature data, and interpolated lat/lon and altitude. Supporting this required the following changes:
The QC processing was changed to flag as bad all data higher than 75,000 ft.


Corrected and improved sounding data in the format for input to the SHARP program. Wind speeds are now correct, and soundings are readable. However, not all soundings can be modified in SHARP. See our SHARP page for details.


Added an additional UPS aircraft that measures water vapor.


Small bug corrected in logging. (Yesterday's date was occasionally entered in the log file.)




Sounding plots now have pressure altitude indicated on the right side




The hour of the day and the number of hours to process can now be fractional.

Color coding of plan view plots can now be by altitude (default) or temperature.

The dynamic range of the color coding is now determined only by data in the time/altitude/lat/lon window. Previously, it had been determined by all data in the time/altitude window, whether or not the data appeared on the plot.

Sounding portions that are more than 100 nautical miles (161 km) from the ground point are now coded in gray.

Fixed a roundoff problem with negative altitudes

Default minimum pressure altitude changed from 0 to -999 ft, to allow low true altitude reports during high pressure regimes.

Added a 'save this image' link on the sounding page, to make it easier for users to save just the .gif image of the sounding.

When the water vapor QC flag is greater than 3, or '-', set the water vapor mixing ratio to missing (and hence, the dewpoint to '-99.9'). Also, added an explation of the QC flag values to the 'help' page.

When the water vapor QC flag is '3', set the water vapor mixing ratio to missing (and hence, the dewpoint to '-99.9').

QC processing and data ingest changed to include all UPS high-resolution ascent reports. (Some data had been missing for the water-vapor sensing aircraft.)

Changed the format of WVMR (water vapor mixing ratio) to be a.bc-z, where z is the exponent. E.g, "5.67-2" corresponds to 5.67 x 10-2 g/Kg.

Changed the map projection for North America to Lambert Conformal Conic. (This is only a slight change from the previous cylindrical projection, but matches RUC/MAPS and most other meteorological plots.)

Added an option on the top level page to only show water-vapor-measuring aircraft. Also added a dew point calculation from water vapor mixing ratio, and show this on sounding plots, and in the text under the sounding plot.
Note also that two changes occured yesterday in the ACARS quality control software that produces the data these web pages use:
Corrected the water vapor mixing ratio, so that it correctly reports in g/Kg (for the one aircraft that currently reports water vapor), and improved the formatting of the water vapor quality control flag printout. (This can be seen in the text under sounding plots.)

Added an explanation that the data may not be shared with 3rd parties, and changed makesounding.pro to not crash on soundings with more than 200 points. (Only the first 200 points will be ploted, but such soundings are probably bogus.)

Added a link to the old version, which gets data from a (slightly) different source, and may have data when this version doesn't.

13-Dec-96 (See Help for more information.)
  1. Started using Paul Hamer's excellent new decoding software. This provides as much as 50% more data, provides some acceleration data, and provides a slot for water vapor mixing ratio.
  2. Added vertical acceleration data for the 5 or so aircraft that support it. This shows up in two places:
    1. As a color coding, if desired, where the colors range from black for zero incremental g's (smooth flight) to red for +/- 0.2g's, and
    2. In the textual data, where the total (not incremental) apparent gravity (centered around 1.0 g) is indicated.
    (We are aware that one aircraft is providing g values centered around -2.7 g. We assume this is in error.)
  3. Added a slot for water vapor mixing ratio to show up, when it becomes available experimentally from one aircraft in January. The values (currently all zero) show up in the textual data. The quality flag, currently '-' shows up immediately after the value. So, you will see a column in textural data labeled WVMR (for water vapor mixing ratio) in gm/Kg, with contents '0-' (and, we hope, with real values starting sometime in mid January, from 1 aircraft). For further info, see Rex Fleming's article in the November 1996 Bulletin, American Meteorological Society, p 2229.
  4. Eliminated the 'latest' file. (This is an internal change to make the code simpler,)

  1. Changed the wind barb routine. Barbs should be more readable. (Thanks to Mark Govett of FSL for this.)
  2. Changed the sounding routine to show the distance between the lowest point on the flight track and the nearest 'major' airport. Note that the distance shown in the sounding plot title is the straight-line distance between the lowest and highest point in the sounding. The distance shown in the text below the plot is the distance between each data point and the airport.
    Also changed the text below the plot to indicate that the altitude listed is a pressure altitude.
  3. Added the capability to set initial default values in a bookmark. See the Set Defaults Form for more details.
  4. Changed to a less ambiguous form for displaying the date.

Prepared by Bill Moninger 303-497-6435
Last modified: Tue Nov 7 14:48:15 2000