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OER Grants News Archive - 2004

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News Archive Table Of Contents

Date News Flash Description
December 7, 2004 The NIH Announces a New Website Dedicated to New Investigators
November 2, 2004 Revised PHS 398, 2590, 2271, 3734, and HHS 568 Instructions and Forms Now Available
November 2, 2004 NIH Announces Revised Policy for Applications that Include Consortium/Contractual F&A Costs
October 12, 2004 NIH Announces Updated Criteria for Evaluating Research Grant Applications
September 14, 2004 Compliance With the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
August 6, 2004 NIH Announces New Report of Icelandic Research Resources
June 22, 2004 OER Seeks Applications for Several Senior Level Positions
May 13, 2004 OER Grants Web Site Gets Usability Improvements and Google Search Engine
February 5, 2004 NIH Seeks Applications for the Position of Director, Center for Scientific Review (CSR)
January 28, 2004 Delays in Grant Application Submission Due to Winter Storms

News Flash Items
The NIH Announces a New Website Dedicated to New Investigators

December 7, 2004
The Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH, announces the posting of a new website that articulates NIH's continuing commitment to new investigators (see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/new_investigators/index.htm). The website describes current policies, data related to the influx of new investigators, resources that new investigators can use to understand and work with the NIH, and helpful hints that might be useful in constructing a first application for NIH support. The OER solicits additional suggestions for non-commercial content for this website. Visitors who know of additional resources can send suggestions to OEPMailbox@mail.nih.gov.

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Revised PHS 398, 2590, 2271, 3734, and HHS 568 Instructions and Forms Now Available

November 2, 2004
The following 11/2/2004 NIH Guide Notices have been issued with details on newly released application instructions and forms:

All of these newly revised forms and instructions are available on the NIH Forms and Applications page at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms.htm.

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NIH Announces Revised Policy for Applications that Include Consortium/Contractual F&A Costs

November 2, 2004
On November 2, 2004, NIH announced a revised policy for applications that include consortium/contractual F&A costs. Notice OD-05-004, supercedes a previous notice on this topic (Notice OD-04-040), and broadens the policy to now apply to all applications involving consortium/contractual F&A costs, regardless of amount of budget or budget format (e.g., modular and non-modular). This change is effective for applications that have submission/receipt dates on or after December 1, 2004. This announcement coincides with the release of the revised PHS398 (9/2004 version). This version includes detailed instructions for applicants to appropriately apply this policy change. To minimize confusion in budget preparation, applicants are urged to use this new version for applications impacted by this policy. See Notice OD-05-004 for additional details.

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NIH Announces Updated Criteria for Evaluating Research Grant Applications

October 12, 2004
On October 12, the NIH announced updated review criteria for evaluating NIH research grant applications. The criteria established in 1997 have been updated to better accommodate clinical, translational, and interdisciplinary studies. The updated criteria will be effective for all investigator initiated research grant applications submitted for receipt dates on or after January 10, 2005 [including those responding to a Program Announcement (PA)]. Those applications will be reviewed starting in the summer of 2005. Applications responding to a Request for Applications (RFA) will continue to follow the criteria published in the specific RFA. Beginning with the publication of this notice, all future PAs will incorporate the updated criteria and RFAs will consider the updated criteria as a framework for criteria tailored to the specific program. The NIH Review criteria can be accessed in the NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-05-002.

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Compliance with the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules

September 14, 2004
In the September 14, 2004 NIH Guide notice NOT-OD-04-067, the NIH reminds the research community of the need to comply with the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines), which stipulate biosafety and containment measures for research involving recombinant DNA, as well as special requirements for human gene transfer studies. The NIH Guidelines can be accessed at: http://www4.od.nih.gov/oba/rac/guidelines/guidelines.html.

The Notice also highlights the important roles and responsibilities of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) in the local review of recombinant DNA research. The provisions outlining IBC roles and responsibilities, including requirements to register with and provide annual reports to the NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA), can be found at: http://www4.od.nih.gov/oba/IBC/IBCindexpg.htm.

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NIH Announces New Report of Icelandic Research Resources

August 6, 2004
The National Institutes of Health, a component of the Department of Health and Human Services, has released a report describing several unique scientific research resources from Iceland. The opportunities these resources present include international availability of Iceland’s population-based data and tissue resources. These resources are currently used to advance many areas of biomedical research, including epidemiology and the discovery of genes that contribute to disease. Access to these resources, however, must comply with the Icelandic laws and regulations discussed in the report, and any applicable U.S. laws and regulations for research. The report also provides an update on the implementation of the Icelandic Health Sector Database (a tool for biomedical research), which is an effort to centralize and computerize medical information on nearly 300,000 Icelanders whose identities will be triple-coded to protect privacy.

The report was developed with the Icelandic Ministry of Health and Social Security to help researchers to understand the kinds of research resources available through collaboration with Icelandic scientists and the applicability of U.S. and Icelandic laws to protect research volunteers. The report can be found at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/icelandic_research.pdf.

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OER Seeks Applications for Several Senior Level Positions

June 22, 2004
The Office of Extramural Research seeks exceptional, highly motivated candidates for several very challenging senior level positions:

  • Director, Office of Electronic Research and Reports Management
  • Director, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
  • Director, Compliance Oversight Division, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
  • Director, Office of Extramural Programs
  • Director, Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (Future)
For more information, please go to http://grants.nih.gov/grants/oer_vacancies.htm.

Please visit this site again for OER vacancy updates.

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OER Grants Web Site Gets Usability Improvements and Google Search Engine

May 13, 2004
In an effort to make its web site more user-friendly, the Office of Extramural Research (OER) has re-organized the "Grants - OER Home Page", as well as many of the top level site pages, and has made minor design changes, including a new left-side navigation bar. These changes are in response to a web survey and a follow-up usability study conducted earlier this year. In addition, all site searches now use a Google search engine and a search box has been added to the top right-hand corner of site pages. We hope that these changes will enhance your experience in using the OER web site. Please send any comments or suggestions to the OER Webmaster.

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NIH Seeks Applications for the Position of Director, Center for Scientific Review (CSR)

February 5, 2004
The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland is currently seeking applications from exceptional candidates for the position of Director, Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Applications will be accepted until April 16, 2004, please review the full vacancy announcement for more information at http://www.jobs.nih.gov/CSR_Director.pdf (PDF).

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Delays in Grant Application Submission Due to Winter Storms

January 28, 2004
Winter storms sometimes lead to closures of institutions. The NIH realizes that this may cause problems for investigators who are submitting grant applications. If grant applications must be submitted late due to weather-related problems, those applications should be sent as soon as possible and should be accompanied by a cover letter noting the reasons for the delay. It is not necessary to get permission in advance for weather-related delays in grant application submission; please do not call the Division of Receipt and Referral to request such permission. It is expected that the delay will generally not exceed the time period that an institution is closed.

It should be noted that unsolicited applications are considered to be on time if they are mailed on or before the published receipt date and a proof of mailing can be provided. Unsolicited applications for the February 1, 2004 receipt date will be considered to be on time if they are mailed on Monday, February 2, 2004. Applications in response to an RFA or PA/PAR with a special receipt date must be received by the specified receipt date in order to be considered on time. This information was published in the January 27, 2004 NIH Guide Notice.

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Page Last Reviewed: December 7, 2004
Content Manager: dwyerc@mail.nih.gov
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