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Health Care Debate 2009

See Inglis’ Comprehensive Health Care Tour

GHS Emergency Room

When it comes to health care reform, we want a robust private insurance market because we want to preserve choice of insurer in our system and choice of provider. We must insist on that freedom.

Reasons Rep. Bob Inglis opposes H.R. 3200

Democrats in Congress and President Obama want to set up a Medicare-like, government-owned health insurer that would compete with private insurance companies. Democrats argue that a government-sponsored plan would be able to offer cheaper insurance because it wouldn’t have a sales and marketing force that drives up costs for private insurance companies and it wouldn’t have to return a profit to shareholders.

Conservatives argue that a public option would drive private insurance companies out of business, bankrupt hospitals and other medical providers with low reimbursement rates and ultimately create a single-payer government-run system of health care which would destroy choice of provider and quality.

Meanwhile, the public-option-leading-to-single-payer system would do nothing to change the underlying problem with Medicare and Medicaid—increased costs that are projected to consume the entire federal budget within the next 20 years.

The Lewin Group, a health policy research firm, projects that inclusion of a public option could cause as many as 83.4 million Americans to move to the Medicare-like public plan.

A public option makes no sense. It could dump as many as 83.4 million Americans onto the already sinking ship of the SS Medicare. It would do nothing to control costs. It would bankrupt local hospitals and medical practices with low reimbursement rates, and it would destroy the private insurance market.

Shriners Hospital

We can do better with market-based, patient-centered health care. These principles include:

Executive Summary: Inglis’ Comprehensive Health Care Tour

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Daily Health Care clips (Friday, July 31, 2009)

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Join the Health Care debate below.

William Inman (8/12/09)

I request you vote against the Health Care Bill. I cannot support it as written.

Catherine Calogrides (8/12/09)

No one seems to understand that we don't want to talk about ANY health care matters with the government at any level! This is none of our government's business or responsibility. We all have options already in place that the FREE market provides. Everyone that wants coverage can have it, except, many people just don't want to pay for it. Well, then they have made their own decision not to have themselves or their families covered. Although foolish, they are free to make that decision for themselves. There is no crisis of health care or health care coverage, except for the programs that the government already have charge of. So, forget about any further intrustions into our private lives!

Frank Stanbach (8/12/09)

I want to voice my opposition to any form of government run health system. There are ways to fix problems within health care in the US without the government's complete take over. Please vote against it.

Tammy McNaughton (8/12/09)

I am glad to see that you oppose the Health Care Reform. Please speak up for the people that are supporting you. Make it know to Mr. Obama that we do not want his plan.

Todd Fishner (8/11/09)

I request that you vote against this socialized healthcare. My healthcare plan is not perfect, but that is the plan I choose and don't want the government getting involved with my personal choice anymore than it already is.

David Laurine (8/11/09)

I strongly agreee with your several reasons to oppose HR3200 in its current format and urge you to be as vocal as possible in offering these alternatives. I am convinced that these ideas, if implemented, would ultimately be to the benefit of those who have commented about insurance company 'greed', and/or the need for a 'public option'.

Donna Lambert (8/11/09)

Just Vote NO to the Obama healthcare plan.I do not want the Government in the healthcare business.

Gail Williams (8/11/09)

Thank you for opposing the health care proposal.Please keep fighting for us.

Linda Swart (8/11/09)

Thank you for your opposition to the current healthcare bill. As a young physician I am very concerned about my ability to take care of my patients should it pass. Please vote against this.

Craig Page (8/11/09)

Please vote against government intrusion into health care. We need fewer layers between the patient and the doctor. The insurance company already comes between them. Why not let people pay for care and let competition sort it out? Make insurance for catastrophic issues only. Not for a sore throat. It takes more time to fill out paperwork on a routine visit than the visit itself. Adding government to that mix will not improve things.

Matthew Wilson (8/10/09)

I am against government run health care. I will not vote for anyone who supports it. I am against government excessive spending. I will not vote for anyone who supports it. I am for the constitution. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not allow for federal health care.

William Adams (8/10/09)

Thank you for your position on the proposed healthcare legislation. I am opposed to government intervention in the healthcare system. The federal government has mismanaged Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security so they are going broke. Fraud and waste is rampant in Medicare and Medicaid. Why should we expect the government to do any better with a new entitlement program? Also, we simply cannot afford to add even more debt to the crushing debt we've already taken on. We're passing on a terrible burden to our children and are endangering the dollar and our future national security. Lastly, there is no way the government can expand coverage AND reduce costs; it's a mathematical impossibility. Please vote "NO"!

Marc Oburg (8/10/09)

A public option WILL LEAD to single payer, government run, socialized medicine. Its in the bill, and Obama, Rep Schakowsky, and Rep Frank all have said as much. Single payer will lead to waiting lists, sub-par care and rationing. NO to this bill! VOTE NO!!

Stuart J. Prettel (8/10/09)

This healthcare is just another takeover by Obama - Banking, Auto industry, Census, Deficit exploding by four times in the last few months, cash givaways, etc. We now have union thugs trying to shut us up at Town Meetings and Inglis trashing a Patriot without really listening to him. I believe this Country is in very serious trouble with Obama in the White House, Pelosi, in the Congress, and Reid in the Senate - our Republicans have gotten very scary also.

Nathan J. Wood (8/10/09)

Mr.Inglis please do not vote for this health care bill in any form!Medicare,medicaid broke,no money.Post office will lose seven billion this year!Thats what happens when goverment trys to run things!Please not now not ever for my future and my kids future!Keep up the fight!! Thanks.

Rebecca Limpalair (8/9/09)

Mr. Inglis, The issue of health care cannot be reduced to finance. It is a moral and ethical issue. As a Christian living in the Bible Belt, I believe that we have a moral duty to make sure that every American has health care. In South Carolina, 1 out of 4 people are uninsured and many more are under insured. It is your duty to educate the people who are so frightened about change that they find it easier to believe lies than the truth.

Mr. Chapman, These are not "worthless illegal aliens." They are fellow Americans.

Ceren R. Farr (8/8/09)

I am a staunch supporter of President Obama's Health Care Reform plan. Private insurance companies are fueled by greed, not by a desire to serve anyone.

J. William Hudson (8/8/09)

I THINK from what I'm reading here you have your head straight on this issue. I certainly hope so. But I will add my voice to urge you to vote no on Obama's health care bill. As a person with health issues (kidney failure) I have a stake in this too.

Brian Goeckeler (8/8/09)

Please oppose this bill. It is hard enough now to find doctors that accept medicare for my parents. It will only be worse with more gov't involvement in an area that according to article 10 of the constitution should belong to the states and not the federal government.

John E. Waters (8/8/09)

Health Care Reform has been ignored for almost 20yrs, costing this great Nation countless jobs, and making the United States the MOST expensive among other industrialized countries in health care costs. But worst of all our current system is putting Americans in their graves before their time and putting families out of their homes, all because they don't have the money or the right insurance plan.

The proposed Democratic Plan would go far in alleviating many of the challenges faced by American industry, families and individuals. It's not perfect and needs some improvements; however I urge you to do the right thing and make access to quality health care a RIGHT for every American. Mr. Inglis, we must change our priorities and work together to move our Nation forward if we wish to remain the world's last remaining super power in the 21st Century, or we can allow greed, fear, suspicion and ignorance, coupled the corporate interests that prey and profit on those negative attributes to continue to drag the United States backward.

Scott M. Crook (8/8/09)

As a taxpaying member of your district I urge you to support a single payer system. Why would I want this you ask? In the current system we pay for the healthcare of the uninsured and underinsured via higher prices passed on to the paying consumer. Millions of people in the US are using the emergency room as their only source of care and by law (and basic human decency) the hospital cannot turn them away. The hospital still has bills to pay and thus must pass the cost of caring for these people onto the paying customers (ie you and me).

For those who say that government paid insurance means that care will be rationed, I say to you that private insurance also means care will be rationed. The private insurers have every incentive to find any way they can to avoid paying should you ever have a major illness. Every dollar they spend on your care is one less dollar of profit.

Will Kraft (8/7/09)

This is not the direction we need to improve our helth care. It is more about government control. Please be more vocal in opposing this bill!!!

Stuart A. Morris (8/7/09)

Every year my health care costs go up. My premiums are higher and my insurance company limits what costs they choose to reimburse. A government option that is driven by public need NOT by a desire to turn profit is the best way out. Bureaucrats already stand between me and my doctors. They work for the insurance companies and they nickel and dime you when you need their help the most. This system needs to be controlled, transparent and public, which a government will always do better than private profit-driven insurance companies.

lidia adams (8/7/09)

Mr.Inglis, I implore you to do all you can to prevent government take-over of our health care system. We need re-form, but not this type of re-form.

lidia adams (8/7/09)

Mr.Inglis, I implore you to do all you can to prevent government take-over of our health care system. We need re-form, but not this type of re-form.

Tina Bailey (8/7/09)

Kill the health care bill. Obama does not know what he is asking of the American people...We do not want it.

David J. Horn (8/7/09)

The problem with health care is the government. The GOP bill will be transformed into a massive government run system if passed. The federal government has no right to meddle in health care. This is between the citizens and the private sector. The problem with the GOP is the same problem the Dems has and that is wanting to regulate and control the markets.

gary thatcher (8/5/09)

i'm writing you in protest of your views on health care. as a 48 year old unemployed man with no health care.i have already had one heart attack. if this health care bill does not pass. i have no chance of every getting my own doctor. as a poor American. even if i had a good job i could not afford to buy my own health care. so to me if you vote against this health care bill. you are telling me that my life is not important. its bad enough. your VA system let my father die. after serving in two wars to give people like you your freedom.

david blumberg (8/5/09)

Every dollar (and there are BILLIONS of them)of profit made by the health insurance companies is a dollar sucked OUT of the health care system. It does not go to anyone's health care. We MUST have a strong public option to pry this vampire off our necks.

Pamela Griffith (8/4/09)

Mr. Inglis, I implore you to do all within your power to prevent government take-over of health care in America. I worked for 27 years in the health care field, beginning prior to the inception of Medicare and following through with ""managed care" by the insurance companies. What a nightmare this has been for the doctors and their staff! The average American citizen has no idea of all the "red tape" we'll have to cut through if this Obamamaniac plan survives, much less the lack of quality "healthcare" they will receive.

Dottye C. Bishop (8/4/09)

I agree with your above comments. I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist and I provide home care for hundreds of Medicare and Medicaid patients currently on respiratory therapy modalities in their home. My industry is service driven and patient's have the choice to change from my company to another if they choose. We also provide care for many indigent patient's who do not have health care coverage. We would never turn away someone who needed our services based on insurance coverage. I must also say that I am extremely happy with my current coverage and would likely pay more that I do now in order to keep it.

Dottye C. Bishop (8/4/09)

I want you to vote NO on the Health Care Proposal. The last thing I want is the government having anything to do with my and my family's health care. I am convinced this is just political that Hillary Clinton made a deal with Obama that if he pushed this Government run Health Care through the congress that she would drop out of the presidential running.

John Adair (8/3/09)

Two ways to impact healthcare costs: 1. Increase competition by allowing insurers to compete across state lines thereby giving employers the opportunity to expand competitive options availalbe to their employee plans

2. Create a national 'high risk' pool that takes employees and individuals with specified high risk conditions and pools that risk to a nationaly funded pool. The remaining reduced risk translates into lower premiums for those with low or moderate health risks who continue to participate in private plans.

Mike Kline (8/1/09)

I am in no means for a government health care system. In fact if they want to insure 45million additional people then they need to put the entire government onto the same system to include the house, the senate, and military families. Oh wait why not transpose the current medicare and medicaid system from a government run program to a private insurer like Blue Cross and blue shield. The amount of money that is spent yearly by the government can be saved if outsourced to a private insurer and it would save the entire system of we have come to know today and save money in the long run. Why has this not been though?

vanita Pearson (7/31/09)

I have never written you before, but this health reform bill really has me so worried. I am a R.N. with 37 years working in health care in the hospital setting. Please do not support this bill. Let's build on what we now have to improve things, not deep six it and start over with something far inferior. Once we have the inferior product, we will never be able to go back to even what we have now. I love my patients regardless of age or their pre-existing medical conditions and want everyone to be treated with the same efficiency and opportunity to the best health care available. As far as the uninsured, they are never turned away from the ER and are treated with respect and usually the working stiff pays for their treatment anyway; that is nothing new. The rest of us pay our own insurance premiums, get the treatment we want and are happy to do so. Please continue to denounce this bill.

martin ruocco (7/31/09)

I would like to urge you to supprot the conservative market based, patient-centered health care rather than the public option proposed by the Obama administration and in particular the Weiner/Braley self-referral amendment. Thank you- Dr Martin Ruocco.

Howard Caldwell (7/30/09)

Mr Inglis I hoe we are not forced into the healthcare that is in the works now i am 70 years old and i am in concerned that if this thing passes tgeolder people like will not have a chace for a longer life. I don' think the govermet should be able to tell me when my life must come to an end.

Joe Chapman (7/30/09)

We don't need the government to play with our healthcare and give it away to every worthless illegal alien and have the taxpayers on the hook for this mess. Please vote against it. Thank you.

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