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Date Event
Aug 17 2009 - Aug 21 2009 2009 European Conference on Visual Perception
Jul 19 2009 - Jul 23 2009 3rd IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology
Jul 19 2009 - Jul 24 2009 Human Computer Interaction International 2009 Conference
Jun 29 2009 - Jul 2 2009 10th International Multisensory Research Forum
Jun 29 2009 - Jul 2 2009 8th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
May 31 2009 - Jun 5 2009 Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Display
May 22 2009 - May 25 2009 Annual Association for Psychological Science (APS) Meeting
May 8 2009 - May 13 2009 Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting
May 3 2009 - May 7 2009 Annual Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA) Meeting
Apr 27 2009 - Apr 30 2009 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology


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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space 
Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Patricia Jones
+ Contact Human Systems Integration

Last Updated: April 22, 2009