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Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Waste Tire Carrier Permit
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Updated: 8/23/2007
Description: This permit is required if you pick up, collect, or transport 5 or more waste tires (other than your own) in Oregon for the purpose of storage, removal to a processor, or disposal. Government entities and solid waste collectors franchised or licensed by local governments are exempt from this permit requirement, as are persons transporting tire chips or tire-derived products to a market. "Waste tire" does not include tires from bicycles, motorcycles, or farm vehicles.

This permit is required even if the waste tires you haul in Oregon are not generated in the State of Oregon. If you store more than 100 waste tires in the State of Oregon, you need to obtain a waste tire storage site permit. You can apply for a combined waste tire carrier/storage site permit using the "Application for Waste Tire Storage Site, Beneficial Use, or Combined Storage/Carrier Permit."
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 459
OAR 340-064
Duration: up to 3 years
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  The application fee is $25 and covers costs associated with processing the application. The annual compliance fee is $175 plus a $25 fee per vehicle and covers costs to DEQ for oversight for compliance and enforcement at permitted facilities. Make your check payable to Oregon DEQ. If the fee is not attached, the application will be returned. See Fee Instructions.
Responsible Agency: Environmental Quality Department (DEQ)
Fee Exemptions: None
Bonding Requirements: Financial assurance, in the form of a $5,000 bond or other form of financial security, is required.
Insurance Requirements: N/A
Application Form: Application Waste Tire Carrier Permit
Service Links:  FAQs
 Waste Tire Management
 Waste Tire Carriers
 New Waste Tire Carrier Permit Application
 Renewal Application Waste Tire Carrier Permit
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: Applicants must submit an operating plan, including information about vehicles to be used, and information about delivery sites. See Waste Tire Carrier/Storage Permits.

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Environmental Quality Department (DEQ)
E-mail Address: DEQInfo@deq.state.or.us
Phone: 503-229-5696 or 800-452-4011 (toll-free in Oregon)
Mail Address: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
811 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204 - 1390
Website Information: http://www.oregon.gov/DEQ/index.shtml

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