This is an incredibly challenging time for California.  Many programs have experienced tough budget cuts.  In the next few weeks, WE Connect will do it’s best to let you and your family know what programs are still available and highlight alternatives your family can consider.  It is more important than ever for families to be informed and connected to resources and I want to continue to serve as a helpful tool for you.

Money in Your Pocket,
Food on Your Table and
Advice to Keep Your Home

Are you a family that works hard, plays by the rules and still struggles to get ahead? Click here to get connected to programs and services that can help you keep more money in your pocket - no strings attached.

Real help for real families...
like yours.

Job Resources and
Educational Tools to Open Doors to a Better Life

It's about education. It's about job training. It's about how to take advantage of every opportunity to get ahead. Click here to get started on your way to a brighter future for you and your family.

Let every opportunity be yours.

Everyone Has One...
What's Yours?

Maybe it's getting a college education, starting your own business or just having a place to call "home". Click here to learn how others have used WE Connect to turn their dreams into a reality.

Tell Us Your Story.
