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Seafood Related Web Sites
Fish and Species Availability Information
Seafood Suppliers Information Search
Seafood Product Search
Harvest Facts and Figures
Seafood Suppliers Directory (pdf 408k)
Seafood Exporters & Importers (pdf 66k)
2006 Aquaculture Directory
Share Our Maritime Heritage (pdf 1,972k)
The Status and Condition of New Jersey's Marine Fisheries and Seafood Industries (pdf 6,635k)
Common and Scientific Names of Fish and Shellfish in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (pdf 600k)
Oyster Industry Revitalization Task Force Report (pdf 9,917k)

Marketing Initiatives:

Jersey Seafood Logo Program
Domestic Marketing and Promotion
Export Assistance
Trade Shows
Trade Leads
Consumer Education

Technology Transfer:

Business Development
Hazard Analysis Critical Point (HACCP) Inspection Training

Jersey Seafood Logo Program

Seafood produced by New Jersey fishermen or fish farmers may now bear the Jersey Seafood logo identifying local seafood and helping to assure quality. The Jersey Seafood brand is modeled after the state’s successful Jersey Fresh branding program for produce. The State Board of Agriculture approved a rule to permit aquatic farmers, commercial seafood harvesters and packer/processors of New Jersey seafood commodities to become licensed by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and to market their products using the Jersey Seafood logo. Click here to view the rule.

Use of the logo helps to increase visibility and consumer awareness of the quality and wholesomeness of products grown and harvested in New Jersey. The new rules provide consumers with the confidence that they are purchasing high quality seafood products that have been grown or harvested in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner.

If you have questions or would like an application for the program, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The Department has a variety of point of sale and promotional materials to help support the program.


Domestic Marketing and Promotion

All of the domestic marketing and promotion projects undertaken by the FSDP are designed to promote locally-harvested fish and seafood products among retailers, food service operators and consumers. Through brochures, point-of-purchase materials such as recipe cards, media outreach efforts, and promotions, FSDP highlights the wide variety of New Jersey's fish and seafood products and their value to a well-rounded diet. Both retailers and food service operators benefited from FSDP's training program on merchandising the wide range of fish and seafood products available.


Export Assistance

Development of foreign markets for locally-harvested species is critical to ensuring the continued health of the industry since it provides a profitable outlet for many species that are not in high demand in the domestic market.
The diversification of fisheries will create the economic and environmental stability that is essential to the industry's future viability and the 5,800 full-time jobs involved in the harvesting, processing and wholesaling of fish and seafood products.

To capture a share of the European and Asian markets, the Fish & Seafood Development Program (FSDP) works with the industry to refocus commercial harvesting efforts on these species and establish export opportunities.


Trade Shows

The Fish & Seafood Development Program supports the New Jersey seafood product export in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. The program encourages the participation of the seafood companies in International Trade Shows by subsidizing a portion of the booth costs. Through the FSDP, New Jersey's fish and seafood industry has been represented at major international trade shows, including Alimentaria in Spain; the US Food Showcase in Taiwan; the U.S. Food Showcase in St. Petersburg, Russia; the Great American Food Show in Korea; The Singapore Seafood Show; The China Fisheries & Seafood Expo; and The Japan International Seafood & Technology Expo.

Food Export USA-Northeast is a nonprofit organization composed of ten member state agricultural promotion agencies that help Northeastern food and agricultural companies promote their products in foreign markets. The Food Export USA-Northeast Branded program provides 50% reimbursement for eligible international marketing activities. Other services include Buyers Missions, Distributor Development Services, Food Show Plus as well as a Food Export Helpline. The Food Export Helpline helps new exporters with assessing export readiness, pricing & quotations, shipping and packing as well as NAFTA rules & regulations. To register for upcoming activities, or to sign up for any of the services, visit Viewers can also browse our Export 101 Section for resource links and export educational information. For more information, about the branded program, visit


Trade Leads

Bi-weekly, the FSDP sends out seafood trade leads to all New Jersey exporters.


Consumer Education

Consumer interest in fish and seafood has grown as American have become more health-conscious and have begun looking for new ways to add these items to their diets. To help New Jersey's fishing industry capitalize on this interest, the FSDP has developed a variety of consumer materials. Point-of-purchase recipe cards are available at almost 400 retail stores throughout New Jersey. Share Our Maritime Heritage--Enjoy New Jersey Seafood Today, a cookbooklet about the state's fisheries, gives consumers information on purchasing and preparing fish and seafood along with appetizing recipes.


Domestic Marketing and Promotion Initiatives

All of the domestic marketing and promotion projects undertaken by the FSDP are designed to promote locally-harvested fish and seafood products among retailers, food service operators and consumers. Through brochures, point-of-purchase materials such as recipe cards, media outreach efforts, and promotions, FSDP highlights the wide variety of New Jersey's fish and seafood products and their value to a well-rounded diet. Both retailers and food service operators benefited from FSDP's training program on merchandising the wide range of fish and seafood products available.


Business Development

Through its year-round business development efforts, the FSDP promotes the industry statewide and throughout the region and presents New Jersey as a desirable place for value-added fish and seafood processing operations. The creation of value-added processing businesses and the development of vertically-integrated business ventures is critical to New Jersey's ability to compete more effectively in the rapidly-expanding global market for fresh and processed fish and seafood products.


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Inspection Training

FSDP also participates in and sponsors training in both Spanish and English concerning the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system of seafood inspection, a system made to assist seafood companies in the development of a HACCP plan for their facilities and mandatory for all seafood processors by the Food and Drug Administration. Principles of HACCP can be applied to virtually any food industry as well as all segments of the fish and seafood industry, from harvester to retailer or restaurateur.


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