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Your electric or gas provider may offer a customized tool based on your usage information. Find personalized ways to save money and energy, see how your home uses energy and more.

Calculate what you will save by replacing your old refrigerator with an energy-efficient model.
>> Begin Fridge Calculator

Calculate what you will save by replacing your old washer with an energy-efficient model.
>> Begin Washer Calculator

Calculate what you will save by replacing your old dryer with an energy-efficient model.
>> Begin Dryer Calculator

Calculate what you will save by replacing your water heater with an energy-efficient model.
>> Begin Water Calculator

Find out how much you can save by simply adjusting your thermostat.
ZIP Code:   >> Begin Thermo Calculator

Choose a fixture type and find out how much you can save with energy-efficient bulbs.
Recessed, track, and spot lights
Ceiling, wall and table lamps
Halogen Torchieres
  >> Begin Lighting Calculator
Estimate the size and cost of a new heating and cooling system.
Heating Cooling
ZIP Code:   >> Begin System Calculator

Find out what size room air conditioner you need with this calculator.
>> Begin Room AC Calculator


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