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60-Day Public Comment Process Opens for: HPRP Quarterly Performance Report (QPR), Annual Performance Report (APR), Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)

On July 24th, HUD’s listserv message included erroneous publication dates for 60-day public comment process. HUD apologizes for any confusion the incorrect dates caused our customers. HUD has corrected the dates and re-distributed via listsev the 3 documents that are included in the Paperwork Reduction Act submission as well as links to the Notice published on July 22nd and the Notice published July 24th. These documents are also available at the links below.

The revised HMIS Data Standards will apply to all homeless assistance and homelessness prevention programs administered by the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. HUD encourages all CoCs, HMIS administrators, grantees, project sponsors and subgrantees to review the HMIS Data Standards and provide comments to HUD. Changes made to the HMIS Data Standards will be applied to both packages.

Deadline: All comments should be sent to Brett Gagnon ( and copy Lillian Deitzer ( no later than September 22, 2009.

[Posted on 07/30/2009]

FY 2009 CoC Registration Notice and HUD Broadcast Information

On July 13, 2009, HUD published a Notice that provides detailed instructions on completing the CoC registration process on e-snaps and provides applicants important information about the CoC planning process as well as the major changes that HUD will make to the FY 2009 CoC Homeless Assistance competition. On July 15, 2009 HUD will hold a satellite broadcast to describe the 2009 application process and required registration steps. You may view the Notice and a link to the scheduled webcast below.

(To view the Webcast you may need to download RealPlayer which is available at

[Posted on 07/13/2009]

4th Annual Homeless Assessment Report and Homelessness Pulse Project Report

On July 9, 2009 HUD issued its 2008 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, a national study that explores changes in the extent and nature of homelessness nationwide. HUD’s assessment concludes that while overall homelessness in America held fairly steady from 2007 to 2008, the numbers of homeless families seeking shelter have increased.

The significant time required to gather information for the national annual assessment results in a delay in reporting the impact of immediate economic conditions on homelessness. To address this limitation, HUD is launching a new standard of quarterly data reporting that will allow the Department to track real-time changes in homelessness. The first Quarterly Report for the Homelessness Pulse Project focuses on data from nine geographically diverse areas across the country.

You may access the 2008 AHAR, 2008 AHAR Summary, and the Homelessness Pulse Project Report from the links below. If you are interested in locating additional data for specific States or CoCs, please visit the Homelessness Reports section of the HRE.

[Posted on 07/09/2009]

HPRP Guidance on Data Collection and Reporting for Victim Service Providers

On July 7, 2009 HUD released additional reporting guidance for victim service providers funded by the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP). This guidance document will assist HPRP grantees, subgrantees and HMIS administering agencies to understand and comply with data collection requirements for domestic violence providers.

[Posted on 07/07/2009]

United We Serve Initiative

The Corporation for National and Community Service in coordination with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other federal agencies has launched an exciting new summer service initiative in partnership with the White House. On June 18, in a video message, President Obama officially announced the initiative, United We Serve, encouraging Americans to create meaningful change in their communities by engaging in service.

United We Serve kicked off on June 22 at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service and will run through the new National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11. All the tools for participating in this initiative can be found on the Corporation’s website, Additionally, please review the one page document which provides an overview of the initiative found at the link below:

[Posted on 06/23/2009]

HPRP Corrections Notice

On June 9, 2009, HUD posted the “Notice of Corrections to the Notice of Allocations, Applications, Application Procedures, and Requirements for Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” (HPRP Notice). Please review these clarifications and corrections carefully as they may impact the planning and delivery of services using HPRP funds in your community. The document describes the following 6 changes that are being made to the HPRP Notice:

1. Provides a corrected timeline for HUD’s review of HPRP Substantial Amendments;

2. Provides authority for grantees to request waivers of certain provisions of the HPRP Notice, and HUD to process those requests;

3. Clarifies that the District of Columbia is classified as a Metropolitan City;

4. Provides a correction stating that housing relocation and stabilization services may only be provided to any program participant for up to 18 months;

5. Extends the time frame in which eligible pre-award costs may be incurred; and

6. Allows for a 90-day grant close-out period for reimbursement of eligible costs incurred within the 3-year grant period.

[Posted on 06/17/2009]

HPRP Reporting Requirements and HMIS Data Standards

On June 16, 2009 the Office of Management and Budget approved HUD’s Emergency Request regarding initial and quarterly data collection and reporting requirements for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP). The approval covers a six-month time frame. HUD will be submitting a request to OMB for three-year approval of HPRP data collection and reporting requirements shortly.

The HPRP data elements required for the HPRP Initial and Quarterly Reports and the revised HMIS data standards that include the HPRP data elements documents are posted below.

[Posted on 06/17/2009]

Influenza A H1N1 (Swine Flu) Pandemic Planning for Agencies within Continuums of Care

This document provides interim guidance on pandemic planning to Continuums of Care (CoC) and their homeless service providers (i.e., emergency shelters, transitional and permanent housing providers, etc.) as needed. You may view this document as well as the CDC's "2009 Flu Info Box" links from the listing below.

[Posted on 05/04/2009]

2008 CoC Debriefing Broadcast Materials

HUD held a satellite broadcast on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 to provide CoCs with an overview of the 2008 CoC Homeless Assistance Programs competition, to help improve understanding of the scoring process, and to highlight common errors and omissions made by applicants. You may view the 2008 summary report, the presentation slides, and the recorded webacast from the links below:

[Posted on 04/20/2009]

HPRP Webcast and Materials Available

HUD held a Webcast on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM EDT. The following topics were covered: Program Overview & Intent; Funding; Key Dates; Application & Grant Execution; Eligible Participants & Activities; and Post Award Activities & Reporting Requirements. You may access the Webcast presentation and the Webcast itself from the links below.

[Posted on 04/03/2009]

Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Notice Now Available

On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which includes $1.5 billion for a Homelessness Prevention Fund to be used for homeless prevention and rapid re-housing activities. The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Notice is now available. For more information, and to view the HPRP Notice, please see the HPRP page on the HRE.

[Posted on 03/19/2009]

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Homelessness Prevention Fund Formula Allocations

On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which includes a $1.5 billion for a Homelessness Prevention Fund to be used for homeless prevention and rapid re-housing activities. These new funds will be distributed based on the formula used for the Emergency Shelter Grants program. HUD will describe the requirements for this new program through a Notice to be published no later than March 19, 2009.

[Posted on 02/26/2009]

HUD VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Q and A Chart

The HUD VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Q and A chart was published to increase understanding of the program and the role that CoCs and their members have taken or may take to address homelessness within the veteran community.

[Posted on 02/26/2009]

HUD Announces FY 2008 Continuum of Care and FY 2009 Emergency Shelter Grants Awards

Hundreds of thousands of homeless individuals and families will find a stable home and be offered critically needed services as a result of nearly $1.6 billion in homeless assistance announced today by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan. The grants are awarded through HUD’s Continuum of Care programs and will assist approximately 6,300 local homeless assistance projects throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. View award information and the HUD News Release using the links below:

[Posted on 02/19/2009]

HOPWA Oversight and Monitoring Guide

The HOPWA Oversight Guide (Oct. 2008) provides grantees and project sponsors with an understanding of the various federal laws and regulations that govern the use of HOPWA resources, while providing guidance and tools to conduct compliance reviews and identify corrective actions, as needed.

[Posted on 12/02/2008]

To find items previously posted on "What's New", please visit our What's New Archive page.