CBO’s Climate Team

Policymakers’ focus on climate change has shaped one of CBO’s principal areas of work.  Last week, I testified on the distribution of the costs of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through a cap-and-trade system, and CBO issued a report on the potential impacts of climate change. Those are but the most recent contributions to CBO’s growing body of research on climate change issues, which includes work on the effect of climate change on the United States, options for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, the effect of those options on different segments of our society, and the effect of proposed legislation on the federal budget.  All of CBO’s work on climate issues can be found on CBO’s Web site under the special section for climate change.

The publication of those products provides me with an opportunity to introduce to you the dedicated staff of budget analysts and economists at CBO who work on climate issues.  Analyzing the broad set of issues surrounding climate change truly requires a team effort that draws on a diverse set of skills and professional experiences.  Most of the formal training of the members of the climate team is in public policy analysis and economics. That formal training has been supplemented by many years of experience following developments in climate science, analyzing different policy options, and understanding the impacts of climate policy on different industries and parts of our economy.  The members of the team are:

Bruce Arnold
David Austin
Kim Cawley
Juan Contreras
Bob Dennis
Terry Dinan
Justin Falk
Ron Gecan
Teri Gullo
Dan Hoople
Joseph Kile
Rob Johansson
Mark Lasky
Susanne Mehlman
Ryan Miller
David Moore
Kevin Perese
Amy Petz
Frank Sammartino
Bob Shackleton
Natalie Tawil
Philip Webre
David Weiner