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  1. Sunrises in space are breathtaking and inspirational.
  2. Photo link
  3. Photo is from shuttle after undock from ISS. Using robot arm to inspect Endeavour for damage. It's set against clouds & blue ocean.
  4. Trying something different. Everyday, I'll pick a photo from the mission that I like & put it as my background. Then, I'll add some words.
  5. Starting to put together lessons learned. Extensive debriefs with every discipline and management starts tomorrow morning.
  6. Many have asked for pictures. Here's a great link.
  7. Sorry for not saying this sooner, but a million thanks for all the good wishes, thoughts, and support from all of you. It's very humbling.
  8. Back to work tomorrow. Medicals, photo reviews, debriefs, mission report, & postflight appearances over the next few months. No free lunch!
  9. Good morning from Houston. Was great to sleep in my own bed. Feel great! Just a little soreness in calf muscles & feel a little "heavy".
  10. Just landed in Houston. Looking forward to seeing family, friends, and colleagues.
  11. Reqady to takeoff for Houston. Home in a few hours.
  12. It's so great to be solidly on terra firma. We'll fly to Houston this pm and have a ceremony at the airport before heading home.
  13. Made it home! Now relaxing in Cocoa Beach, FL, and return to Houston tomorrow. WIll share incredible adventure in the near future.
  14. From orbit: About 10 minutes to a burn that will lower our orbit by 6 miles. Then, ~ 1 ½ hrs ‘til bed.
  15. From orbit: Finished one final inspection of orbiter today. Expecting all to be well. Great view of Southern Lights. Astounding!
  16. From orbit: Undocking w/ISS went well. Now on the home stretch. Still work to do though until landing.
  17. From orbit: Hatches are closed and we’re about 2 hrs from leaving ISS.
  18. From orbit: Sunrise over S. America. Final preps to undock from ISS in work. Expecting fantastic views.
  19. From orbit: Last night docked to ISS. Very sad to leave 6 great folks, but also great to come home soon.
  20. From orbit: Just finished the last EVA and the airlock is re-pressurizing. What a great feeling to be complete!